MS43.4: Francis Nicholson Papers
Nicholson letter to Mrs. Burwell, 24 March 1700/1


March ye 24th 1700/l in the morning


I hope in God that this will find you in a much better state of health than when I saw
you, which to hear of will be very acceptable to me.

I hope you will excuse me if I beg, which I do with all the submission & earnestness
possible, yor favour about that which so nearly concerns my welbeing in this World and
the next, viz the obtaining the consent of that most extraordinary in all respects & most
accomplished young Lady Madam Lucy whose good & vertuous character I cannot pretend
fully to give: but this I am very certain of that she hath to all intents and purposes made
me her Adorer, Admirer, & most faithfull Lover.

Madam, for Gods sake be so charitable as to pity this my present unhappy circumstances
and use yor Interest to make me one of the most happy men alive: and from my Soul I do
assure you that if I do not fully design & endeavoure by all honest Lawfull ways &
means possible to make Madam Lucy so too, I would never have pretended to her:
for I hope that both you Madam, and that most vertuous and fair Lady believe, or at
least think that it is all powerfull Love alone that causeth my passion for her: and
I hope in God (for I have very often pleas'd my self with the thoughts of it) that she
will be the principal means of governing my other passion, especially in her presence,
in which I shall always covet to be and would never leave Virginia without she had a
mind to it. What you will be pleased, Madam, to do for me towards the promoting this
great affair of my whole Life, shall not only be most gratefully acknowledged by the words, but also by
the actions of him who is

Yor most faithfull & humble Servant