MS43.4: Francis Nicholson Papers,
Nicholson to Major Dent, 18 July 1701 and 27 August 1701

MS43.4: Francis Nicholson Papers,
Nicholson to Major Dent, 18 July 1701


Virginia Williamsburgh July 18th 1701

Major Dent

I lately received yors of June the 4th wch the inclosed petition of Jno Newsum, and if you really
think him an object of Charity, & that there is any hopes of his mending you may give him
20 or 30 Shillings upon my Accotts.

According to my promise to you wch. I hope in God I shall always performe,
I have written to Sr Tho: Lawrence, and I hope that both he & you will have Success in
that affair; but I am also in hopes that you have fully wrote to him on that subject, & got his
Excy Governor Blakiston to do ye same. I am heartily sorry that I can't meet his
Excy at Coll. Fitzhughs, but I have just now written him the reason that I cannot
as also what I proposed about his Excellcy's coming hither, and if he gives you leave
to come with him, and you do not do [rubbing] You must expect to be swinged when I see you
and have a care that I don't burn all yor Law bookes

I hope you are not unmindfull of Major Burwells affair with Mr Lyones, if you
fail me in this affair, you must expect death or further punishment; for sure you
know how near a Relation that Gentleman is to acertain young Lady, to describe
whose very good & great good Character [would] take up as many folio's as Cook upon Littleton.
and [rubbing] I have had an occasion to [rubbing] that charming & bewitching sex, pray be so
kind as to bring with you an Accot that Madm Diggs has done with my Lady Laetitia
Bawden, for I very much want to know a true & full accot of that affair.

This will be sent you by Capt Fitzhugh, and I hope you will be so kind as to let me
hear from you by the Messenger what news in yor Country & the Northward, and if any
lately from England. His Matys ship the Southampton is not yet arrived, nor no late
News from England. pray be so kind as to let me know, what Laws you past last
Assembly, if you have any Rangers, what number, and if any Orders are come about
yor Church Laws. When yor Assembly is to meet, ours being designed, God willing, to
meet upon the 6th of the next moneth, and either at that time or before I hope to see
you here In the interim remain

Yor most affectionate Friend

I desire that you would send ye inclos'd lettrs for Mr Contee
it being from a brother Lawier of yors who he employ'd about
a seizure made in this Country. as also is inclosed a lettr for Mr Samll Chew who I hope will come down with his
Excellcy, pray make my excuse to him for not writing, for by & by I design (God willing) for Kikotan. I send to
Capt Fitzhugh a packet for his Excellcy Govr Blakiston, wch he is to send to you: Therefore desire that you would
send it to his Excellcy by Express in doing of wch you will continue to oblige
I desire you to forward ye inclosed for Mr Bladen.


MS43.4: Francis Nicholson Papers Nicholson to Major Dent, 27 August 1701

Virg.a Williamsburgh August 27. 1701

Major Dent

His Excellcy being ill hath ordered me to write to you and let you know that he did not
receive yor lettr of July 23d till the other day; so desires you in yor next to let him
know whom you sent it over to Also yr affair with Sr Thomas, his Excy hopes it will
succeed according to yor mind; and he hopes that both his Excellcy yor Governr and yor
self have written to him by all opportunity's. His Excellcy our Governor desires to
know what is done on my Lady Letitia Bawdens affair. his Excellcy likewise hopes
that you will have made an end of that affair with Mr Lynes: but it must be either
in money that goes here, or in bills of Exchange, for land will not do, the Major having
enough of that, and may be more than any one man in this Countrey. His Excellcy
sends this by way of Annapolis, having sent to his Excellcy yor Governor what
News he hath, as also a bag of lettrs from Mr Perry. His Excellcy hopes this will
find you at Annapolis, and that his Excellcy and yor Governr will do him the favor
to come with hither, & that you will come with him. His Excellcy also hopes
you'll be so kind as to let him hear from you by all oppurtunitys, and let him
have yor News in yr parts and from ye Northward &c for he expects to hear from—
England by that way. He hopes [to] God you & yr family are in good health &
will continue so. he desires you [rubbing] his humble service to the Gentlemen of yor
Councill & the rest of his acquaintance

Major Dent