MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Lord Nottingham letter to Nicholson, 7 May 1702


Whitehall, May the 7th. 1702.


The Queen having been pleased to constitute me One
of Her Principall Secretaryes of State, it is necessary that I
should inform You of it, that for the future You may direct to
me such Letters as relate to Her Majesty's Service, and I desire
You from time to time to acquaint me with such things as
occurr in Your Parts.

And I am commanded to acquaint You, that Her Majesty
has declared Warr against France and Spaine, as You will see by
the enclosed Declaration, and to signifye Her Majesty's pleasure
to You, that You cause it to be proclaimed in the Places under
Your Government, that Her Subjects having Notice, may take care
to prevent any Mischiefs, which otherwise they might Suffer from
the Enemy, and do their Duty in their severall Stations to annoy
the Subjects of France and Spaine.

I must also acquaint You, that the Emperor, and
the States Generall have also declared Warr against France
and Spaine.

I am,
Your most humble Servant
