MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Nicholson letter to Lt. John Riggs, 7 August 1702


Virga. August 7. 1702.

Lieutent Riggs, Sr.

I heartily thank You for writing to me so often and sending me so full acct. of your
affairs from time to time with ye several printed & written papers, which I
have made publick here & sent several of ym for Engld. and I hope you doe by all safe opportunity
give an acct of ym to Engld. particularly to ye right honble Mr Secretary Blaithwait.
Twas a very great satisfaction to me to hear of his Excy my Lord Cornburys approval in yor
pts, and yt yor affairs are now in so very good a posture: and I hope in God yt they will be
so well setled yt for ye future you may live in peace & quietness.

Your 2 letters of June ye 7th & july 9th I did not receive till I had taken leave of yor Commodore
and sent all my letters and packets off for Engd. but by ye first safe opportunity I shall write to Mr
Blaithwait about yor having one of ye Companys: for you may depend upon my doing of
You all ye sincere kindness I can. But you must behave to get ye recommendation of his Excy yor
Governor: and let me advise you (if you can possibly) to go for Engld. for you know very well
there is nothing like a Man's doing his own business.

This is designed (God willing) by my very good Friend ye honble Sr Tho: Laurence
Baronet of her Majesty's [illegible]y of Maryd. and you may with freedom communicate to him yor
affairs, as likewise those relating to ye Colony. If before my humble Secretary old friend
& acquaintance Mayor Wern and to ye rest of ye affairs of my Acquaintance. And I
shall be very glad to hear [if] you have all got yor Arrears, and yt you are in so flor-
ishing & thriving Condition. yt you have so much ready Reserve [rubbing] doe not
know what to doe with it, except it to be to purchase great Estates.

To hear of those things & of all yor present health & prosperity in all reports, will be very
acceptable to him who is your affect Friend.