MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Nicholson letter to Lucy Burwell, 7 January 1702/3


Wmsburgh Janry 7th 1702/3

Madam Lucy
Virtuous Soul

God allmighty bless keep protect direct & guide you in all yr ways intentions designs and
undertakings whatsoever & make you one of the happiest & fortunatest women in all
respects, and after you have lived as long as you please heree, may you be conducted by yor
Sister Angels to those enternal mansions of bliss & glory. And if please God that I should
be so happy & fortunate as to be any ways in the least instrumental in yor attaining those
things, it would be most acceptable to me in this world and Dear Saint Why may not I hope such & pray with
all the earnestness, sincereness & fervency possible that I may meet you in Abrahams before.
When I do with all my heart & soul ye powers & facultys of my heart & soul.

For that these things blessings may befall you are my hopes wishes & prayers & that with all
the earnestness sincereness & fervency possible, and all wch I do them with all the powers & facultys
of my heart & Soul. And therefore Dear Madam why may not I repeat them for my
meeting of you in Abrahams bosom, being I'm now debar'd by yr father the honor & happiness of meeting you
you in this wor
meeting you in this world. The most cruel & hard peice of bad fortune that ever befell me, because &
I think I have no way justly deserved it of him: [illegible] the hardness of my fate is that he hath believed or
given too much Credit to what hath been said agt mee,

Pretty & charming Creature
You who I love &c with a passion &c beyond the power [illegible] give me leave to [illegible]