MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
John Riggs letter to Nicholson, 15 July 1703


Maye it please yr Excellll

My Lord has Receved
Letters from England by ye waye of Philladelphe
which gives him ye acount, that Collll: Ingolesbe
is not Coming, and my Lord seems now to be
sattisfyed that hee will not Com, and his
Lordshipe has asured mee that he hass
writt home to all his frends, in my bee
halfe, that I maye have ye Compeny
I most humbly praye yr Excellll favour
in my bee halfe to ye Honble Mr, Blaithwaite
which I am asured will doe my Bissnes
being asured hee will not Refuse your
Excellll, any Resonable request, my Ld—
has sixe hundred pound apeace added to
his Sallerry, in his Government of yorke
and five hundred for ye [illegible]
wee have ye acountt of a collecter; one
Birely; and a secretary one Clarke ye
Came in ye Gar[illegible], ye Conveyor to
virginee in which shipe Carry Capt
Mathewse and my Ld Commission
for ye [Taxes], his Ld.shipe writt home
for Recruts and S[laves], which will be
sentt him by ye next Conveyor, Collll
Quarree is [Head] [illegible] Jenerall
and one Morryseson, of Lincols in, is
[Head] Judge of ye admiralty from
Maryland to Boston, wee had not any
newse but of ye prosecution of ye ware
wth all vigor, ye Earl of Oxford is ded, and
ye son and [Earle] of ye duke of Malboroe
is all from yr

Most obliged and most
humble servantt

John Riggs

N Yorke, Julye
ye 15 day