MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
An Abstract of the Chief Articles of Governor Nicholsons Mal-administrations, 24 May 1704


An Abstract of the
cheif Articles of Governor Nicholsons
Mal-Administrations in Virginia

1Councills Memll §.1. Art. 1.
Blairs Affidt. Sect: 1: Art. 1:
Beverly's Affidt: No: 4 parag.
begining That there were Sevll.
Courts & No 1: parag: 3 The
1He has acted without advice of Coun-
cil, in many matters of the greatest moment
to which their advice and consent used to
be had in former Governments some
of these being things to which her Ma-
jestys Instructions and the Laws of that
Country expressly require their Advice
and Consent to be taken.
2Councills Memlls: § 1: Art 3.
Blairs Affidt: Sect: 1: Art: 3.
2He signs many Papers in Council on
purpose to have the Colour of the Councills
name, which are never read in Councill
and the Councill knows nothing of them—
3Councills Memlls § 1. Art. 4.
Blairs Affidt. Sect: 1 Art: 4.
3He has taken away from the Councill
the inspecting and Auditing the Accounts of
the Revenue so that all the Publick Accounts
are now sent home without any check
or Voucher in that Country, to her Majestys
great disservice, and contrary to former
4Councills Memlls: §. 1: Art: 5.
Blairs Affidt. Sect: 1 Art 5.
4He destroys all just freedome of—
dispute or debate in Councill, by his usual
hectoring browbeating & threatning those of the Council
who differ in Opinion from him
5Councills, Memlls §: 1. part of art: 1.
begining many things are put
upon Rcord &c.
Blairs Affidt: Sect: 1: part of art: 1:
beginning. I have often seen
the Govr: order the Recording of
matters &c.
5He puts many things into the Mi-
nutes and Records of Council without
the Councils advice or consent, and
has caused severall things to be chop-
ped and changed afterwards without
their Privity.
6Councills Memorlls §: 11: throughout.
Blairs Affidt: chap. 2d. throughout.
6In many things he encroaches—
upon the Liberties of the Upper house
of Assembly.
7Councills Memll § lll. Art: 1.
Blairs Memll,Affidt chap: 3d. Art: 1. No
Beverlys Affidt: No: 4. pag 11°
7He behaves himself so in the General
Court, where he is cheif Judge, that neither
Parties, Lawyers, nor Judges have their
just freedom, by which means the due
Course of Law is obstructed.
8Councills Memll § 111. Art: 3.
Blairs Affidt: chap: 3d. Art: 3.
Beverly's Affidt. No: 2.
8He gives directions to the Sheriff
about the Packing of Grand Juries con-
trary to Law.

9Councills Memll § IV: Art: 1.
Blairs Affidt. chap. IV: art: 1.
Beverleys Affidt: No: 5
Wallaces Affidt.
Lukes Affidt:
Founces Affidt:
9He gives many Arbitrary & vexatious
Commands, about pressing of men & horses
and commanding the attendance of Mens
persons; which he backs with the Authority
of her Majestys Name.
10Wallaces Affidt: near the end.
Beverlys Affidt: No: 4 That these were &c.
Blairs Affidt: Chap: 4. Art: 3d.
Moodys Affidt.
10He calls Courts to inquire into the lives
and Conversations of such men as he in-
tends to expose or ruine, when there is no
accusation or Accuser.
11Councills Memll §. IV. Art 8:
Blairs Affidt: chap IV. art 8.
Beverleys Affidt: No 4. parag.
beginning the Attorney &c
11When the Ordinary Attorney refuses his
Commands as illegal, he imploys other
Attorneys to undertake them, And upon
an Attorney Generalls declining one
of his Commands as being against Law
he took him by the Collar, and Swore by
God that he knew of no Laws we had,
and that his Commands should be—
obeyed, without hesitation or reserve.
12Beverlys Affidt. No 5 parag.
begining I have heard &c
Wallaces Affidt: Last parag.
12He has in his Rage committed men
to Prison without any Complaint or
13Councills Memll § IV. Art: 18.
No 6.
Blairs Affidt. chap IV. Art: 18: No: 6.
Moodys Affidt: near the end.
Beverly's Affidt. No: 5. I have been—
thereon &c.
Wallaces Affidt:
13He has made it a Common practice to
intercept and break open and detain mens
private Letters, to the great obstruction
of Friendship, Trade and business.
14Councills Memll § IV. art: 14.
Blairs Affidt: chap: IV. Art. 14.
Beverlys Affidt: No 1. parag
as to the signing &c
14For many Months he refused signing
of Probates and Administrations, upon
a rash Oath whereby severall Widdows
and Orphans and others lost their debts.
15Councills Memlls § 1 pt of Art. 1.
begining Rules of Limitation
Blairs Affidt: chap: 1st part of Art. 1.
begining I have seen some Rules
of Limitation. And Blairs further
Affidt: beginning Licences of Mar-
riages &c:
Beverlys Affidt: No: 1: the greivances &c.
15He assumes a Power of dispencing
with the Law in Cases of the greatest
16Councills Memll § 1. Art: 7
Blairs Affidt: beginning But
it being my misfortune &c.
Beverlys Affidt: last parag.
Moodys Affidt: Lieut a mind
to rise.

Councills Memll § IV. Art. 13. Art. 9.
Art: 10 and 12 &c
Blairs Affidt: ibid.
Beverly Affidt:
Wallaces Affidt:
Fouaces Affidt:
Lukes. Affidt:
May the 24th. 1704
16He has by many words and Actions
given good ground to Suspect his carrying
on some dangerous designs for himself
both against the Government Established
by Law in that Country and the Crown of

Thô we have past by all that relates
to his Lewdness and profaneness, his
abusiveness and Insolence his Rage and
fury (of which the Affidts: are so full, yet
we hope it will be so considered how
unchristian and Barbarous it is in its-
elf; how derogatory to her Majestys
honor and Service, and how dangerous
to the Peace of the Country to have her
Majestys Subjects there so extreamly
provok'd, and their Patience exercised
to the utmost by the continual affronts
and Insults of a Governor.

Phill, Ludwell Senr
Stephen Fouace