MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Nicholson letter to Col. Custis, 12 June 1704


Collo Custis
118 Williamsburgh June 12th 1704

Honble Sir


According to yor desire I have sent yor paper to Mr Perry and writt to him about it, as also concerning
yor Sons affair, and I hope in God that both of them will succeed according to yor desires, but especially
that of the young Gentleman. When I come over (wch I design God willing sometime next moneth)
I will show you both what I have written; but I suppose the Lover will be on this side before that
and I should be glad to know what you have done concerning the Revd Mr Keith being in yor parish
or if You have hopes of any other. I would have the Vestry of that parish to meet and send me an
accot of what they have done, & what proposition they will make, so that if will it be necessary
I will bring a Minister for them

This is designed God willing by one of Capt Broadbent's Vessells either his Shallop or Long boat
and if you think proper, yor and the Vestrys answer may be sent by one of them but wch way
so ever it be I hope to have it before this moneth be out, In the interim remain

I desire my humble Service to yor Lady
to the Major & Naval officer
Yor most affect friend