MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Nicholson letter to Madam Page, 14 November 1704


Wmsburgh [Novr] 14th. 1704.


Madam Page

Yors of ye 25th of the last moneth I did not receive till this afternoone, but I would have answered it
so soon as I recd it, I was concerned to hear of yor being indisposed & am still that you are not quite recoveredwell.
got: but I hope you are were so well when my friend Collo Smith was to wait upon you abt yor Inventory
as to be able to swear to it &c. but I don't know whether you have remembred to ask for yor paraphernalia
wch I think you should do as soon as possible.

Upon what account you burnt Mr Beverleys lettr I cant tell; but I fancy it would have been much bettr
for him not to have written any such sort of letters: And I'm well enough satisfied that they were contrived by the
small Faction now in England in order to increase their number here: They have endeavoured by all ways &
means possible to ruin me at least my reputation, but I thank God that I do despise defy & condemn them
if they were much more numerous, richer, & of greater parts. and to this purpose I think I have told them these two
or three years last past.

Madam, I'm really sorry that any thing it is no small trouble to you that
it is [illegible] all trouble to you any thing [illegible] be no small trouble to you but as for
yor brother (whom you are pleased to
terme unfortunate) his should falling under my displeasure, I thank God I am not conscious to my self that his being so,
is without very just causes, and I have several times given him opportunitys to have ended that affair. And as for
yor Sister, I think that I proferred her very fair both before & since she has been married; but I suppose that the
great expectations of what Mr Fouace & Mr Blair would do, as likewise of what his wife, & Mr Burwell was to do, and also pride, haughtiness,
insolence & obstinacy & self conceitedness of others have been the reasons that the affair of yor brother & Sister Berkley
have not been adjusted: for Madam I do assure you I really want words to express the great Concern I had
& have for yor Sisters welfare, for the sake of her virtue, & being so very well accomplisht in all respects. and tho
I have neither heard nor seen the particulars of what Mr Blair has sworne agt me & I suppose Mr Fouace too
yet I'm almost confident that the Major part of their accusations against me is concerning her, I am —
likewise very sensible what use they and others made of my courtship to her, & what strange things was told her concerning
mee, most of wch I suppose she already finds to be untrue, and that we Yorkshiremen are not false hearted
As I hear her Sister Mrs Martha says we are Ibut Why should she be afraid of a Virginian that was but bred there.
and whywherefore should she doubt that she has not charms enough to wholly captivate the Gentleman & make his heart as true as
steel tho not so hard.

Madam, When I am to answer Mr Blair's &c accusation, I shal have all just & due regard to the honr &
reputation &c of yor Sister Berkley and I hope in God for her sake, she neither gave Mr Fouace Mr Blair, nor
his wife or her brother any power either by writing or word of mouth to make any Complt agt me, or that they should make use
of her name in their accusing of me: for I don't know that I have justly deserved any such thing from here. I had misfortune
enough in not obtaining the Great happiness &c of having her consent &c Madm You may please to remember what I
wrote to you, concerning the affair of yor brother & sister & Esqre Smith. I hear you gave, [deleted] said, like yor self, a very
wise & prudentsharp thing upon that Subject; but the soonerquicker yor fancys agree, the sooner I shal performe my promise
and then an especial act of my favor (as you are pleased to Call it) to the husband of Madm Berkeley husband would be promoted
by yor self, wch I am sure they ought they ever thankfully when suppose will be ever thankfully acknowledged
by her to you self but I am not certain whether she will own her self think ye obligation think ye same no. less to me, who am

Yor most faithfull humble servant.