MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Nicholson letter to Rev. Guy Smith, 20 January 1704/5

413a 110b(3)

Mr Guy Smith
Wmsburgh Janry 20th 1704/5 about one a clock

Revd Sir

A little while agoe, I recd yors of the 19th & I'm really sorry that I have been obliged to give you
so much trouble of this kind; but I hope in God sometimes or other I may be able to make you amends,—
What Madm Page & Mr Berkley said about the death of their Mother Mrs Man I have heard before, and
likewise that she told her Son that tho he would not submitt himself to me before he was marryed yet he ought to
do it afterwards & that he would bring her gray hair with sorrow to ye Grave or words to that effect. if I should fancy that ye old
Gentlewoman dyed for Love of me, I think it would be as untrue & ridiculous as a great many things that hath
been sworne & attested agt me, & I should be as vain, silly & ridiculous, malicious & ill natured as her Dr whose
opinion in the Case of Madm Man's death I take to be one of his Chimerical notions & fancys, as if Madm
Berkley had been & is still in love with him, nay, I have heard him talk as if Mrs Edwards had been in ye
same condition, and that she hardly enjoyed her health after she was marryed till she dyed. I confess I have
never laugh'd so since I came into this Country as I did one night where there were sevll others when he told the
Story of his Love & Courtship to Mrs Lucy Burwell wch I think he has told me 2 or 3 times since & he doth
it very often, he told me of an odd sort of a lettr wch he wrote to Major Burwell concerning that affair. and
sometime this Fall in his own Chamber when the Revd Mr Em: Jones & Colll Quary were there, we had a very good
diversion with him not only on that subject but likewise on his fancying Madm Page to be in love with him & he with
her. I put it as a Case of conscience to Mr Jones; As in case the Dr marryed Madm Page & M if she should dy & Mr
Berkley too whether or no he might not marry Mrs Berkley & whether the Laws of Consanguinity & affinity
would was not a bar to it, I think Mr Jones & we were of opinion it did not but yt Dr was a little scrupulous
We found that the Dr had not unbosom'd himself to Madm Page upon ye subject of Love, another reason he said was
that it was not fair for him or her passionsin his circumstances & the [sick], to take her at that disadvantage, & I think he explain One of his
reasons was because if she should deny him [illegible] & favour &c. how far the Diabolical man might force [illegible] p2 him in that Case as I find it hath in the other I can not tell, for I have heard that he hath reported
that I was the Cause of Mrs's Man's death &c +c

I desire that you would ask Major Burwell abt it tho he was not there when Mris saw not Mris Man
in her sickness, as likewise whether I was in any ways Instrumental in the death of his wife. I desire you also to ask
him whether he can prove all or any thing contained in the peticon & Memll agt me &c he presumed to her most sacred Majesty
and I think by Mr Blair & his father in Law Collo Ludwell &c or the Affadavits sworne agt me. I suppose he knows
very well who it was that Signd the peticon & Memll as likewise the six swearing Affadavit sp[illegible], and I suppose he
hath seen the peticon Affadavits &c If he can prove them either by himself or others if he desires it I will give him
power to have them sworne, and I would know of him whether he hath any thing to accuse me of as for himself or
others, and upon his request he shal have the same power. And I want to know of him whether he gave Mr Fouace
Mr Blair, Mr Wallace, Collo Ludwell, Capt Moodie Esqr Luke or any others any power either by writing or word of mouth
to complain &c agt me to her most sacred Majesty or to the Rt hon.ble the Lords Comenrs for trade & plantacons, or whether
he lives unsafe under my Government & therefore intends to quitt this Country & go to some other. You may please to
show him this lettr & tell him I expect a full answer to it.

I desire you likewise to ask Madm Page whether or no
I was any way instrumental in ye death of her husband & I desire her answer to ye other questions as likewise
Mr Berkleys & his wifes. I do it this way that it may be the easiest to them. for if I cannot have a satisfactory
answer I must take the method wch the Rt honble the Lords Commrs for trade & plantacons have empowered me
to do Viz to take such Affadavits & other Evidences upon Oath as I shal think necessary for the Justification of
him who is

Yor most affect friend

I desire that you would do this as soon as possible & let an answer be
sent to

I must confess that the fellows talking so odly of Mdm Berkley &c put me into a great passion & may be had it not been
[tearing] Jones & Colo Quary I had caned him & I charged him never to speak of that Gentlewoman again when I was present &c & I think
[tearing] it in that way if I [tearing] I will call him to an accot for it