MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Unknown Person letter to Nicholson, 20 February 1704/5


Virginia Feb:ry the 20th: 1704/5

Persuant to your Excellencys Command I have hereunder given a brief account of
Maj:r Arthur Allen of surry County and his family having been well acquainted with his Father
Mr: Arthur Allen of the said County a younger Son of Mr: John Allen's of Droit Wich in Worcester
Shire a Gentleman of an antiant family and of three hundred pound P annum Paternal
Estate the said Mr: Arthur Allen lived in the said County of Surry near thirty years in—
good esteem and repute being in the Comissn: of peace for the said County from the first———
establishment thereof to the day of his death;

I have also been very well acquainted with his Son Majr: Arthur Allen even from his Infancy
to this time and do well remember that about the year: 1660: his Father sent him for—
England were he was educated for seven or eight years and then returning to Virga: again
was soon after put into yt Comissn: of the Peace for the abovesaid County of Surry in which behaving
himself with great moderation Prudence and Justice he obteyned a Genll: esteem and good Reputatn:
and in Anno 1676 being the year of Bacons Rebellion so Signalized his Loyalty by his constant
Service and attendance on the Rt: Honble: Sr: Wm: Barkeley at that time most worthyly—
his Majties Governour of Virg:a that he soon became very dear to him to Instance—
some particulars amongst many others that might be named so soon as the Goverr:—
appeared in Armes to oppose the Arch Rebel his duty calling him thither he marched out of
James Towne in the front of the Troops that salyed forth against Bacon to dislodge him from
the trenches and works he had thrown up against the said Town where many of the Assailants——
being slain by the great advantage the Rebells had, the attempt proved unsuccessful and the—
Troops were obliged to retreat to the Town where after a little time Provisions growing scarce—
the Govr: gave the said Allen the command of a Party of Horse and Foot with Orders to march—
into Isle of Weight County and take possession of a considerable quantity of bread and Cheese
and other Provisions which was gathered for Bacon lodged at Capt: Jenningses House in the——
said County and guarded by above two hundred Musketers which he very happily performed;
to the great Satisfaction of the Govr: and to the genll: reliefe and benefitt of the Forces under—
his Honrs: Command thô he had not above sixty horse and thirty Foot one of which was Mr:
Harrison now the Hon:ble Benj:n Harrison Esqr: upon his return from which service the—
Gov:r immediately commanded him into his own County of Surry to raise what horse he could
but before he had obteyned any considerable number about three hundred of the Rebells——
under the command of Jones Rookins and others entered the County came to the said—
Allen's house which they took plundered and continued there in garrison about—
five months turning his Mother an ancient Gentlewoman out of doors and absolutely—
destroying or carrying away all the Goods houshold stuff Stock of cattle Sheep &c both— p2 within doors and without to his damage (I really believe) at least eight hundred pound Sterlg:
After this the Govr: finding it necessary to withdraw his Forces from James Town the said Allen as
well as many others waited on his Honr: to Acomack where he continued till after Bacons Death
and then returned with him and under the command of Coll: Joseph Bridger whose Major he——
afterwards was performed many considerable pieces of service in reducing that part of the Country
to which he did belong:

And having thus behaved himself both in Peace and War the Freeholders of his County soon after
thought him most worthy to represent them and accordingly maide choise of him four or five——
Assemblies Successively in two of which he had the Honr: of the Chair and in the third and last
being immediately after the Revolution as I was credably informed from many of the worthy———
Members of that House of Burgesses he had been unanimously chosen Speaker again but his
Concience not allowing him to take the Oaths he was obliged to retire giving place to Mr: Benjan:
Harrison who was then the first time Chosen and came in his stead and layd down what Offices
he held either Civil or Military and amongst the rest his very profitable Surveyors Place of——
Isle of White and Surry Countys and lived private till the Death of the late King James after
which he again appeared in publick being restored to his Civil Offices with the addition of—
Naval Officer of the Upper District of James River but declines the military being reduced
to much weakness in his hands by a late great fitt of sickness.


A fine
Italian hand