MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Memorandum re: Several Faults in the Building of William and Mary Colledge, [ca. 1703-5]


Memorandum of Several faults in ye Building of W.m &
Mary Colledge w:ch have proved dangerous & pregudicial to ye
s.d Building

All ye chimneys in ye 2.d Story are scarce big enough for a Grate whereas
ye only firing in this Country being wood, a fire cant be made in them w:thout
running ye: hazard of its falling on ye floor, as it once happened in ye room where ye
Sectys office was kept, a log tumbling out of ye Chimney sett ye floor on fire
& had it not been timely discovered might have burnt down ye building the
Chimney in ye School hath some Joynts laid into ye very hearth so y.t one
of ye S.d Joynts took fire; but being timely discovered ye danger was prevented

The chimney over ye Hall hath one of ye principal Girders running
through ye middle of ye hearth whereby no use can be made of it

The hearth in ye Councill chamber had Some plank laid just uder it
insomuch y.t at Christmas 1702, a Constant fire being kept there, ye
wood under ye hearth took fire & was almost all consumed before it was

The ovens were made wthin y.e Kitchin, but when they were heated ye Smoke
was so offensive yt it was found Nescesary to pull them down & build
others out of doors

The drain cost above 100£ & is so ill contrived yt there is no desent whereby
ye water Stagnating is very offensive to ye Smell & corrupts ye water in wells so yt
both are useless unless just after ye drain has been cleaned.


College in Virginia