MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers,
[Rev. Mongo Ingles] letter to Nicholson, 22 December 1705


Virga: December the 22th: 1705.


Tho your Excy: (I doubt not) understood before you left Virginia
how most of our Ellects: went yet 'twas hardly possible for you to imagine
what little mean shifts were made & base & unworthy designes set on
foot by ye heads of ye Party in very many Counties boath to traduce &
scandalise your Excy: your friends & Governmt: And also to perswade
excite & stirr up ye: People to ellect sevll: of their own creatures wch: in too
many places had ye desired Effect: Sr: I shall not undertake to give you an
account of their proceedings after they met knowing you will be much
better inform'd by some of ye worthy members themselves so shall only observe
yt: ye: Prty takeing their advantage went into ye: House ye: day of ye: return of
ye: writt & after twas darke by ye lights only of an inch of Candle contrived—
to place B:H: in ye Chair, who next day was pleased to bestow another on
his younger Bror: in ye Comittee of Ellects. & Priviledges wch: has usually been
filled wth: one of ye: most Judicious most moderate & best experience members—
Sr: I have inclosed a Coppy of ye Govrs: speech at ye: opening ye Assembly wch: will
let your Excy: into ye business yt: was layd before 'em. as also a Coppy of a paper
read at ye: barr last Genll: Court by R: B: Gent: (as he stiles himself)————
foreman of ye Grand Jury in wch: he gives us a slight touch of ye continuance
of his ill humours but on ye 30th: of October ye College being most unfortunately
burnt ye night before his folly malice falshood & ingratitude seem'd to be
arrived to their highest pitch for in a discourse of yt: unhappy fire in company
with about nine or ten others among wch: were Mr: Wheatly & Mr:
Wharton he openly said yt: he yt: burnt Mr: Pages houses burnt ye: College—
& yt: your Excy: burnt Mr: Pages houses for wch: most horred & falce aspersion I
hope he may in good time reap ye: benefit. The Assembly being now adjournd
to the 24th: of April haveing not perfected any one thing yt: I know tho many
bills have been sent from ye: House of Burgesses to ye: Councill among wch: is the
militia Bill ye: same. I suppose yt: was sent to ye: Councill in your time (among
others) this amendmt: was then made That instead of ye: Inhabitants being Formed
into Troops & Companies at ye discretion of ye Commanders in Chief of every
County it should be at ye discretion of ye: Governr: or Commander in Chief for the
time being. This amendmt: seemd reasonable to ye Major part of ye House—
now but Questions ariseing about some addition to yt: amendmt: they
resolved into a Grand Comittee of ye whole House where after long debate and p2 many reasonings & arguments by all your Excys: friends to ye Contrary,
'twas at length carried by ye: other side yt: these words should be added——
(wth: ye: advice of ye: Councill) on wch: I need not inlarge res ipsa loquitur—

Sr: I have heard yt: on ye 27th: of ye last month there met together at W:msburgh 11: or 12:
of ye Trustees & Govrs: of ye College but did not pretend to doe any thing ye: Major—
Part being of opinion they could not choose a Rector till ye: time appointd
by ye Charter if then & without a Rector they were no Boddy

And haveing this occasion to speak of yt: well designed but unfortunate—
foundat:on wch: your Excys: bounty & beneficence were almost continually—
imployed I shall inform you wt: I observd at & since yt: dreadfull fire being early
present at it and also heard ye: sevll: Persons yt: could give any evidence there
about sworn & examined before the Committe.

It is agreed by all yt: it took fire on Munday ye: 29th: of Octob:r something after 11:
a Clock at night tho ye agreemt: in yt: is not more Genll: than ye: disagreement and
contradiction about ye: manner how it began, ye place where, whether it was—
set on fire or took fire by accident wth: many other circumstances tho for my—
own part I make not ye: least doubt but yt: it broak out at ye: South end and—
proceeded from ye: Chimney of Mr: Blairs Chamber takeing fire some of the soot
falling on ye shingles of ye roofe at yt: time very dry & ye Chimney Foule.

My Reasons are chiefly these
First there was no fire that night nor for some time before but in ye kitchin
Chimney Mr: Wheatlys and that, & Mr: Wheatley being at yt: time reading,—
before a very small fire in his own Chimney was surprized with a roring
noise wch: at first he took for wind but afterwards thought it to be a Chimney on
fire wch: could not possible be ye: kitchin or his own but he must very easily
have perceived it ye Chimneys meeting and going out in one common—

Secondly after Mr: Wheatley had assured himself by steaping upstaires yt the
South end of ye roof was on fire he soon awakend all yt: lodged in ye College—
unless Collo: Hill who lay in Mr: Blairs Chamber wth: ye Speaker and is supposd
to have been a wake a little before having carried forth severall things out of
his Chamber before any of ye other lodgers came down staires wch: is a second—
argumt: for ye: fires beginning in his Chimney it being otherwise very unlikely
yt: he who lay on ye lower most flower should be first acquainted wth: ye: fire in—
p3 ye: roof unless ye: noise & burning of his own Chimsey had inform'd him of ye: fire.

Thirdly, When by Mr: Wheatlys noise Mr: Thacker, and Harry Lightfoot who—
lay at ye: South end of ye: building were affrighted and got up so soon as Mr: Thacker
opend ye: dore where Mr: Secretarys Office was formerly kept ye: lead of ye melted—
gutter dropt upon his Cloaths wch: is another argument of ye: fires breaking out—
at the South end & wch: is farther cleard by his & ye: rest getting safely down staires
and Mr: Hambleton, who lay in Mr: Robertsons Chamber wch: is near ye north end of—
ye: building his running up twice after he came down & bringing severall thing's
out of Mr: Robertsons Chamber wth: him even after Mr: Thacker & Mr: Wheatly—
were by ye violence of ye fire forced from theirs all wch: seems inconsistant and——
impossible if ye: fire (as some vainly dream) should have began at ye: north end for—
then must ye: staires have been wholy burnt (standing as yr: Excelleny well knowes)
in ye: Middle of ye Pile before it could have melted ye: lead wch: dropt on Mr: Thacker
at ye: South end.

Fourthly Harry Randolph and two other boys who lay yt: night with him in
ye: northernmost Chamber in ye very roof must undoubtedly have perished if the
fire had broak out there but blessed be God they very happyly saved themselves
by ye: small staire yt: decended down in to ye: Gallery in ye: Hall after they had
tryed ye: other way & saw ye: great staires & all beyond 'em in a Flame & 'tis—
generally agreed these boys were ye: last yt: came out of ye: College being esteem'd
utterly lost by their friends & relations who much bewailed 'em till they—
perceived their Happy escape and deliverance.

I shall not trouble your Excellency nor my self wth: narrating ye: Crooked and
inconsistent acct: thats given by some to induce a belief yt: ye: College was either
willfully sett on fire or elce yt: it took fire at ye: north end since all ye: incoherent
stuff thats patchd together for yt: end is purely advanc'd to divert ye: blow &—
take of ye: blame yt: must unavoidably fall upon Mr: Blair for letting his Chambr
to Collo: Hill and his Brother if yt: wch: I have before demonstrated be allowed.
But I doubt not when yr: Excy: sees all the Depositions & compares 'em wth: wt:—
is before related you will finde sufficient cause to be of my opinion but much—
more if you were acquainted with many other Circumstances too long to be here inserted.
I understand ye: Governr: has lately layed ye: list of ye: Navall Officers before the Councill
who have made objections against three of them being continued (viz) Coll:o: Wilson,
Maj:r Allen, and Coll:o Corbin to ye: first I understand 'tis objected his being a great—
trader & his takeing unlawfull fees to Maj:r Allen he was put in without—
p4 advice of Councill lived inconvenient & executed his Office by a Deputy. Coll:o
Corbin yt: he was Agent for ye: Royall African Company & took exobitant and unlawful
fees and there was liberty given 'em all to Justifie themselves at ye: next meeting of
the Councill. But Major Allen being in Town when this order was made was
ready to answer all ye: objections & Petitiond His Excy: to be immediately heard but
'twas referr'd to a fuller Councill 'tho there were seven then sitting what will be———
farther done int I at present know not but believe (if your Excellency have not
already done it) 'twill be of great advantage to 'em all if you can speedily obteyn—
for them the Lords Comiss:rs letters of approbation.

I most heartily wish yr: Excy. Health & prosperity remaining wth all faithfullness

Most Humble Servant

Coll:o Francis Nicholson

Sr: I have happily obteyned
Coppyes of ye: order of Councill
against Majr: Allen and his
Petition thereupon both—
which are inclos'd

Abt the burning
of ye College