MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers,
Rev. Mongo Ingles to Nicholson, 7 February 1705/6[?]


When I first heard of its being burnt, I had so much
Charity for all mankind, that I was of Opinion that
none under a Fury let loose from Hell could be capable
of so much Mischief for Mischiefs Sake: But Since I
have heard that Some have a notion of ye practicableness
of it by another, I begin to think that such a thing
may be done, but still by none by such as have this
Notion, that it was done on purpose. He that first
discovered ye. fire, says in his Deposition, that he saw
3. Men cloathed like Gent.n run from ye. College a-
cross y.e New Kent road, I hope if there be such Devils
out of Hell, God Almighty will bring their work of
Darkness to light: Beverly and some other of the
Party kept Drinking & ranting & carousing all that
night after ye. fire, & when ye. Stonecutter went to save
ye. Smokehouse from being burnt, One of them curs'd
it, & bid him let it go with ye College: Another of them
(but I cannot learn who) was heard to say that if some
Thunderbolt or lightning should destroy ye. Capitol, they
might have some hopes of having ye. seat of Governmt.
again in James Town. It's happening at so silent a p2 time of ye. night, has left us all in ye. Dark about its cause
and nothing but a large field for conjecture to loose
it Self in,

Feb. 7th. 1705/6

This is a true Copy of part of a Letter written by Mr.
Mongo Ingles late School Master of College of
Wm. & Mary in Virginia and sent to
Fr: Nicholson.


Mr Ingles.
College burnt

Coll of Virginia