MS46.02: William Blathwayt Papers
John Usher Letter to Blathwayt dated September 19, 1698

New York
19 Sept 98

From M Usher
Rd 18 Mar 98

relating to New York
he is pressing the Earl of
Bellamont for N Engld


New Yorke 19th Sept 1698

May pleas yor Excy

Am honord wth rct of yors 4th June giveing Accott
the matters of Mr partridge refered to Earl Bellamontt
to report the factt to ye Councill of Trade, the wch is great
ly Satisfactory

being here I finde Earl Bellamont a person of greatt
justice & honor, nothing will [part] of the Kings
prerogative excedeing Soliscitous to putt the Kings com
ands in Execution (even to Admiration) wch occations a
bundance of trouble, am sorry to se & hear of soe
much Slight & contemptt, he metes wth ; ytt as
poore as I am would nott for the province undergoe ye same,
the truth is any person true to ye Kings interestt, & for
putting comands from the King in Execution Shall
mete wth enemys enough, in wch the Earl is noe small
Sharor: I finde this place to be Some whatt a kind
to province New Hampshire, unless they can have
all matters goe according according to theire own will
though never Soe much agtt the Kings prerogative &
interestt; are for kepeing there purses tyed up, though
in the issue to theire own damage I thoughtt
a person of the Earls quallity wth thatt justice honor
& integrity; they would redily manifested great
loyalty; butt loyalty is founded on selfe interstt
wch judge a Sandy foundation; the Earle is ill
& by my little observation the troubles he metes
wth for putting the Kings comands in Execution
is a greatt occation, I am pressing my Ld for
N England, where his Majtys Service doth much
require his presence, wch hope in a Shortt time
will doe p2 in these parts of ye world a person nedes noe more
sorrow Trouble then to be invested wth the Kings Comission
& Comands, & be faithfull therein

Mr Allen is arrived in province New Hampshire
judge has taken the Govermtt on him, as to his
proceedings you will have accott from himselfe
ere this reaches yor hands

being in these partts design for pensilvania &
Maryland to Se Coll Nicholson & then for N England
Shall then give you the trouble of a few lines
wishing all hapiness to attend you, Subscribe

Yor Excys Obeidentt Servtt

Jno Usher

Mr Blathwait