MS46.02: William Blathwayt Papers
John Usher Letter dated November 28, 1698


New Castle 28th Novebr 1698

May pleas yor Exy

I herewth Send Coppys Minnuitt Councill
thatt by proclamation ytt Jno Usher had noe fur
ther power of Authority here nor are any persons
to obey his warrantt for the future, but the presentt
Govermtt was invested in the presidentt & Councill
Warrantt from presidentt & Councill to Major Wm
Vaughan if he mett wth any persons ytt have or
doe give disturbance to ye Govermtt to Ceize & se
cure them

partt of a Letter to Mr Stoughton ytt Mr Usher had given
disturbance, consequently to be ceized & secured
considering my Lds long absence from ye Govermtt
& knowing nott when may be here wth submission
judge the Minnuitts of Councill good proofe as to
the charge I have Laid before theire Ld ships

As to Wm partridge entering on ye Govermtt wth out
being qualifyed & contrary to possitive ordrs from
White Hall

Mr Partridge haveing taken the oaths According to
Law did take upon him the Exercise of Govermtt
, As to ye Oath ye Late Actt doth require, sd partridge
did nott take, soe a falacy in ye minuitt

ye minuitt Councill being good proof for my Allegacions
agt partridge

hope he will be sentt for to England nott onely to
pay the one Thousand pounds forfeiture butt
alsoe to Answer for his contemptt putt upon ordrs
from White Hall

Mr Allen writes at large by this conveiance to wch
refer, desire your favor in his concerns
crave Exscuse remain

Yor Exys humble Servatt

Jno Usher

Ship being in a hurry crave
Exscuse for ye Minnuitt
Councills nott being [fare]
as should


28 Nov: 1698
From Mr Usher