MS86.10: Francis Nicholson Papers
Ellway Knight letter to Nicholson, 27 January 1720



we wanted nothing to render our Journey
compleatly agreable but the smiles of the Lady, who
seemd opprest with some weighty concern. melancholy
truimpht in every feature, which all the amusements of
conversation coud not divert

I shou'd have been verry glad if the Lady had Indulg'd my
wishes with her better looks, that not one grace (might
be wanting in the coppy; but since I was denied that
satisfaction, I must endeavour to supply by an Indust-
rious scrutiny what was out of my reach then

I have made an Essay towards the performance, and if
I am not deceived, with a Succes that may answer the
Confidence you repose in me; for be assured Sr I shall
omit no opportunity of doing Justice to your expecta-

Mrs Handy entreats you not to write a congratulatory
Letter to Mr Delany, for she finds 'em averse to the
discovery of their desighn, and thinks it woud create
a suspition of the person that inform'd you.

Our Journey was not attended with any surprizing
adventures, extortion and writched entertainment are
too familiar to be admir'd at; we escap'd the banditti
and the other dangers Incident to a road, only at farnham
I lodgd in a room supposd to be haunted by spirits, where
I was disturb'd by large Groans and complaints about the
hours of one and two, that continued all the night
p2 upon Inquiry the waiters told me the Hostes was ill,
but at Southampton they'l persuade me tis the
customary revells of a Spirit

I beg pardon Sr for being so prolix by rehearsing these
trifles, but as you laid your Commands on me to
relate the transactions of our Journey, I thought it
my duty to Insert all that hapned. I am with all
humble respect

Your Honours
Most obedient servant

Ellways Knight

January ye 27th

if you please to write
Mrs Handy desires to be directed
to att Mrs Porters in Southampton


The Hon:ble Colonel
Nicholson at the golden
ball a Confectioners in
York buildings in the