MS86.10: Francis Nicholson Papers
[Arch. Bishop of Canterbury] letter to Nicholson, 10 February 1723/4


Lambeth House—Febr: 10: 1723/4.

Worthy Sr.

I have spoke with my Lord Carteret about what you so much seem to desire,
that you may have leave to come home for a very short time, & thereby be the
better able to clear your selfe of those Imputations that have been layd against you.
I cannot find that you have any great need of such a trouble upon that account,
Our Ministers here being very well disposed to think favourably of you. I do not
doubt but that I could obtain leave for your Coming hither; but to deal freely
with you, I question in that Case whether you would be allow'd to go back
again. So that in truth, as far as I can judge, you must either continue
some time longer where you are; till this affair can be better setled for you;
Or if you insist upon leave to come hither sooner, you must run the hazard
of not not returning any more to your Government. What the meaning of
this is, I believe you may guesse: It is not certainly out of ill will to you,
for whom my Lord Carteret expresses a great deal of regard; but there are
difficulties arising from the particular Circumstances of that Government, and
perhaps from some persons concern'd in it; and till those are removed, I would
advise you not to presse for leave to return hither. I am perswaded you
will have friends enough to justifie your conduct without any such trouble.
What such a One as I am can do, to see Justice done you, you may be always
assured of; as being with the truest esteem,

Worthy Sr,
Yor very affectionate and
faithfull Friend

W. Cant.