MS86.10: Francis Nicholson Papers
D.H. [Rev. David Humphreys] letter to Jacob Henderson, 4 February 1731


Warwick Court in Warwick Lane
London Feb: 24th 1731


The Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel in Foreign Parts have been lately acquainted
by the Reverend Mr Henderson, of Maryland (who was appointed by
the society to make search What Lands there are be-
longing to the late General Nicholson in Virginia Maryland )
that there is a Parcell of Land consisting of four Lotts
now in your Possession which did belong to the late
General Nicholson. The late Generall Nicholson
by his last will bequeathed all his Lands in America
to this society, and they have now given Orders to
recover such as have been taken Up illegally
I am ordered to acquaint you herewith, and
to send you the inclosed copy of their Order to
Mr Henderson to proceed according to Law to reco-
ver ye said Lands.

I am

D. H.

To Mr Bordley Maryland