MS86.10: Francis Nicholson Papers
Rev. Jacob Henderson letter to David Humphreys, 16 August 1732


Maryland Aug:t 16:th 1732

Rev:d Doctor

I was lately Informed that the ship by w:ch I sent
my last viz:t of the 1:st of Feb:ry with five deeds to be perfected by
M:r Eyre, was safe Arrived, and therefore I daily Expect to hear
the resolution of the hon:ble Society about them

M:r Bordley who has the other Land in possession, has
given his Father in law an acc:t that he will not purchase,
but desires him to defend his Claim at Law: upon understand-
ing of this, I was prepareing to Eject his Tennants, but after
Consulting our Attorney General, I found that I was not Capable
to maintain an action because the General's will was not proved
in the Court of Chancery in England, as it ought to have been
to give a right to Lands, Inclosed is the Attorney General's—
opinion. So that to Inable me to recover these lands, M:r
Eyre must prove the will in the Court of Chancery and send
an Exemplification of it from thence with a Certificate that
it was proved by three Credible wittnesses. His right to those
lands is thought to be very clear and that there is no fear but
wee shall recover when the will appears attested as above

I have not further to say at present, the matter now
rests w:th M:r Eyre, I shall wait for further directions
and am Rev:d Doctor

Yr most obed:t Humble Servt

Jacob Henderson


To the Rev:d Doctor David Humphrey's
Secretary to the Hon:ble Society for—
Propagation of the Gospel in Forreign
parts at his house in Warrick Court
Warrick Lane

Mr. Henderson Maryland
August 16th 1732