In obedience to an order of the Worshipful Court of York County bearing date the 16th day of March 1772 We the Subscribers being first Sworn have met and appraised The Slaves and Personal Estate of John Moss Deceased in Current Money in manner following to wit,

To one Negroe Man Toney £50 1 Ditto To £40£90..0..0
To 1 Negro Man Sam £50 1 Ditto Harry £60110..0..0
To 1 Negro Boy Toney £50 1 Negro Woman Hannah £3080..0..0
To 1 Negro Woman Moll £60 1 Negro Woman Celia & her Child Phillis £70130..0..0
To 1 Negro Girl Sarah30..0..0
To 1 Writing Desk £4..0..0 1 Bofat £48..0..0
To 1 large Walnut Table £2..0..0 1 ditto 30/3.1..0
To 1 doz Walnut Chairs & 2 Smoking Chairs11..0..0
To one large looking Glass 40/. 1 Flax Wheel 7/6 1 Gunn and Powder Horne 20/3..7..6
Carried forwd:
To 1 pr. of Iron Doggs and Fire Tongs0..5..0
To 1 Small Table 2/6 2 dozen Queens China Plates 10/ 1 dozen hard Mittle Plates 25/1.17..6
To 6 China Cups and Saucers 6/. 6 Silver Tea Spoons 18/. 5 Wine Glasses 3/1..7..0
To 6 Table Spoons and Some Earthern Ware0..5..0
To 1 Half pint Measure & one Glass Salt0..2..6
To 1 large folio Bible & one Dictionary1.10.0
To 1 Small looking Glass 10/ 1 pr of Brass Scales 5/. 1 Safe 7/61..2..6
To 1 Bed and Furniture3..0..0
To 1 Bed Ditto £5 1 Bed Ditto £510..0..0
To Bed and Bedstead 30/. Ten Flagg Chairs 10/2..0..0
To two old Leather Chairs 2/. 1 Case & Bottles 12/0..14..0
To 1 Cradle & Some other Trifles 7/6 2 Trunks and a Spinning Wheel 20/. 3 pr. of Cards & 2 Barrels 15/2..2..6
To a Parcell of Cotton 10/. 1 Side Saddle 40/.2..10..0
To 1 Chest 7/6 Some Soap & Tallow 15/1..2..6
To 2 Pots of Lard 20/. 2 Candle Sticks and 2 pr. of Snuffers and Candle Moulds1..4..0
To 1 Small looking Glass 1/3 1 Lott of Pewter 35/ 1 pr. of Stilyards 7/62..3..9
To 6 Stone Pots and 6 Earthern Pans0..15..0
To Some Carpenters Tools 20/. 1 Cross Cut Saw 7/61..7..6
To 1 pr. Iron Doggs and Tongs 10/. 3 Wedges and three Harrl Hods 1 Spade and an old Fluke 15/ 1..5..0
To some old Axes and old Hoes & old Iron1..0..0
To 2 TeaKettles and Skillet and Spice Morter1..10..0
To 2 Iron Pots, and Frying Pan 12/6 1 Wheet Sive & two Sifters 5/. 1 Table & 2 Boxes and 3 Baskets 7/6 1 Tub & Pail 7/6 1 Ox Chain 10/2..2..6
To 3 Horse Collars & 2 pr. Haims & Traces1..0..0
To four New Hoes 16/. a Sett of Cart Wheel Boxes 7/6 1 Saddle and two Bridles 15/.1..18..6
To one old Spinning Wheel 2/6 1 Grind Stone 3/.0..5..6
To a parcel of Bottles and two Earthen Dishes1..2..6
To 1 Plow 20./. 1 Harrow Break & Fluke Break 7/6 1 Auger and Chisel 2/.1..9..6
To 2 old Barrels arid Some Tarr0..7..6
To Some Leather 5/. Salt and Wool 2/60..7..6
To 4 Raw Hides 24/. 1 Bedstead & Half Bushel 5/. 1 Riding Chair & Harness £2021..9..0
To 1 Loom Says and Harness1..5..6
To 1 Spit 3/9 2 Rum hhds 5/.0..8..9
To 1 old Chest 1/. 1 Stone Jarr 7/60..8..6
To 1 pr And Irons 3 flat Irons fire Tongs 20/. 1 Warming Pan 7/61..7..6
To 301 lb Bacon @ 7 ½1..8..1 ½
To 25 lb Beef @4d0..8..4
To 3 Bushels of Peas @ 3/0..9..0
To 26 Barrels Corn @ 10/13..0..0
To one Wine Pipe 2/. 3 Towells & two Table Cloths 5/. 1 Bay Horse £1010..7..0
To 1 Bay Mare £5 1 Yoke of Oxen £813..0..0
To 1 Yoke Ditto £7 1 Yoke Ditto £7..0..014..0..0
To 1 Yoke Ditto £ 55..0..0
To 3 Cows and three Calves8..0..0
To 2 Cows £ 5.. .. 3 Cows £6.10..011..10..0
To 6 two Year olds6.10..0
To 11 Ewes & Lambs @ 12/66.17..6
To 8 Ewes without Lambs @ 8/3..4..0
To a Cart and Wheels and two Chains4..0..0
To 1 Canoe1.15..0
To four Sows and Piggs @ 20/4..0..0
To 15 Shoats @ 5/3.15..0
To 2 Shoats @ 10/1..0..0
£ 662.17..5 ½

John Goodwin Senr.
Allen Chapman
John Goodwin jur:

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of May 1772 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur: