An Appraisment of the Estate of Anthony Robinson deceased

1 Negroe Man Slave called George70..0..0
1 Woman Rachel45..0..0
1 Girl Suckey35..0..0
1 Ditto Patt28..0..0£178..0..0
1 dozen Walnut Chairs6..0..0
2 Smoaking Chairs 10/. 1 Walnut Desk £4..105..0..0
2 large Square Walnut Tables3..0..0
1 Round Tea Table and Tea Board1..10..0
1 looking Glass 15/. 1 small Square Walnut Table 15/1..10..0
1 Back Gammon Table 15/. 1 pr End Irons 10/ 12 Pictures 15/. 1 Cloth Brush 1/3 5 Bowls 7/61..3..9
1 Sugar. Box 2/6 2 Stone Dishes 7/60..10..0
3 Muggs 1/3 9 Wine Glasses 5/. 2 Tumbleg 1/. 1 pr Salts 1/30..8..6
1 Pint Decanter 4/6 1 funnel 61 1 Stone Jug 3/ 0..8..0
1 pr Lime Squeezers & Ladle 2/6 1 pine Table 2/6 0..5..0
3 Candle Sticks and 1 pr Snuffers 7/6 1 Straner 6d 1 Tea Chest 7/6 0.15..6
9 Knives and 12 Forks 5/. 5 Table Matts & Waiters 3/90..8..9
7 Flag Chairs 10/. 1 Sqr Walnut Dressing Table 30/.2..0..024..4..6
1 Corner Cupboard 15/. 1 Bell 2/6, 1 Cartooch Box 1/6 0..19..0
1 Bed, Bedstead, 1 pr Sheets, Coverlid, Bolster, blanket & pillow 6..0..0
3 Cups and Skicers 2/. 1 butter Boat & 7 Stone Plates 4/6 0..6..6
1 Tea Pot 1/. 3 Cups 6 5 Silver Tea Spoons & 1 Handle 12/60.14.. 0
1 Broom 1/3 1 Cradle 12/6 1 Chest 7/61..1..3
1 Bed, Bedstead, Sheet, Rug, Bolster, & Counterpin4..0..0
1 ditto & Pillow5..0..0
1 ditto 1 pr Sheets Bolster & Rug3..0..0
1 old Trunk 2/6, 19 Pewter plates 20/. 6 Dishes 15/1.17..6
1 Pewter Bason 1/6 1 Coffee Pot 7/6 1 Spice Morter & pestle 7/60..16..6
1 Tea Kettle 2/2, 1 Grid Iron 5/. 3 Plates & 1 Tray 3/0..10.6
2 Tubs 4/6 2 Iron pots & hooks 20/. 1 pr. Kitchen End Irons 30/2..14..6
1 empty Barrel 2/6 2 Potracks 10/. 1 Spit & Frying pan 12/61..5..0
1 Spade 3/6 1 pine-Table 5/. 1 pr Oyster Tongs 3/90..12..3
1 Choping Bench 5/. 1 empty Cask 2/. 1 Safe 25/ 1..12..0
4 doz. empty Bottles 10/. 3 Fat Pots 6/. 1 Basket 60..16..6
1 large Chest 7/6 1 Sword 1/3 1 Axe 2/0..10..931.16..3
£ 234..0..9

In obedience to an order of the Worshipful Court of York County bearing date the 20th April 1772 We the Subscribers here first Sworn by Mr. David Jameson one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the said County, having met and Appraised the Estate of Anthony Robinson deceased as pr Account above Given under our Hand this 30th April 1772.

Thos. Archer
Wm. Cary
Law. Smith Junr.

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of May 1772 and Ordered to be Recorded
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: