Pursuant to an order of the Worshipful Court of York bearing date the 18th day of May 1772. We the Subscribers being first Sworn have met and appraised the Estate of James Hooker deced. in Current Money as follows (Viz)

2 Cows and 3 Calves £6..10..0 2 Heifers £4..10..011..0..0
1 Bed, Bedstead and furniture5..0..0
1 Cow & Calf £3 1 Sow 12/6 3 Pewter Dishes 7/64..0..0
10 Plates 10/. 3 Basons 3/9 some old Pewter 3/9..17..6
2 Chests 12/6 1 Spinning Wheel 5/. 1 pr Cards 1/..18..6
1 Safe 10/. 2 Small Tables 3/6 Knives & forks 1/..14..6
3 Iron Potts 10/. 1 old Ditto 1/3 3 pr. Pot Hooks 3/..14..3
1 Potrack 5/. 1 Spit & frying Pan & fire Tongs 4/3..9..3
1 pr flat Irons 2/6 1 Brass Candlestick & Skimmer 4/..6..6
3 Stone Pots 4/6 2 Stone Juggs 2/. 3 old earthen pots 6d..7..0
8 earthen pans 4/. 1 Cream pot Bowl and Saucer Pan..6..3
2 Wine Glasses & 1 Tumbler 1/3 Some Crockery 2/6..3..9
2 old Guns 17/6 2 Iron Wedges 3/. 1 Coopers Ax 3/61..3..0
Narrow Axes 2/6 2 Hoes 1/9 old Iron 1/..5..3
1 old Sword, 1 Reap Hook & Box of Lumber..2..6
1 pr Money Scales 5/ 2 Meal Sifters 2/... 7..0
8 empty Bottles 2/. 2 Washing Tubs & 3 Pails 7/3.. 9..3
2 old Half Bushels 2/6, 3 old empty meal Tubs 3/.. 5..6
1 old Mans Saddle & Bridle 5/6 4 old Baskets 1/6.. 7..0
6 flagg Chairs 6/. Parcel of Leather 5/...11..0
15 lb Lard 7/6 100 lb. weight of Bacon 50/. 12 lb of Soap 6/3..3..6
2 ½ barrels of Corn 25/ Cotton picked & unpicked 12/61..17..6
1 Hammer 1/6 1 Homany Pestle 2/6 1 Rum Cask 1/3.. 5..3
Sundry outstanding Debts13..19..6
some old Books 3/6.. 3..6
1 Counterpin 7/6 2 old Sheets 2/. 1 Saw Rack 5/. 1 large Spit 2/6..17..0
Cash on Hand2..5..6

James Holloway
Rich Wynne
John Chisman

Returned into York County Court the 15th day of June 1772 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: