Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Joseph Scrivener Deced, taken the 26th day of August 1772.

Store Goods amounting to£541.16.11
30 Pr Cent162.11..1 £704..8..0
Personal Estate &: Slaves in Curr. Money Viz.
Rum 1 Hhhd qty: 110 Gall. @ 3/ 619..5..-
63 Ditto @ 4/ 12.12.-
45 Ditto @ 3/67.17..6
Bohea Tea 90 lb 2/3-1/410..4.4-½
Soap 53 lb 51..2..1
Sugar 370 lb 45/ pr 1008..6..6
Ginger 163 lb 2 ½1.13.11-½
Pepper 92 lb 20 d7.13..4
Coffee 713 lb 12 d35.13.-
Snake Root in 2 papers-..6.-
Mould Candles 16 lb 10d..13..4
2 pr. old Scales and weights..10.-
5 Juggs and Carboys with deft. liquors2.--.-
14 lb Allspice @ 1/..14.-
170 lb. Castile Soap 10d7..7..6
7 Juggs Ginn @ 12/4..4.-
5 doz Porter 10/ 2.10.-
36 Bottles Clarett 2/64.10.-
15 Gallons Molasses @ 1/61..7..6
20 Gallons Wine 5/5..-..-
2 Gallons Ditto 10/1.--.-
1/4 Cask Ditto6.--.-
6 old Carboys 2/6..15..-
8 old Juggs and Butter pots..12.-
9 Small Case Bottles..4..6
10 ½ doz Quart Ditto 2/61..6..3
4 Casks Vinegar6.--.-
3 Trunks 20/. 1 Easie Chair 12/61.12..6
1 Bed. Bolster, Pillow, Bedstead, Cord, and Hide3..-..-
18 Bags Salt 9/8..2..0
116 lb Bacon 7 ½ d3.12..6
1 Half Bushel and 1 Lantern..2..-
1 Pair Iron Dogs and 1 Pot Rack1..5..0
1 Copper Kettle2.10..0
2 Pots 10/. 2 frying Pans 5/..15..-
1 Saucepan 5/. 1 Pr Billows 1/3 1 Choping Knife 4d..6..7
1 pr flat Irons 5/. Shovel and Tongs 1/3 Grid iron 1/3..7..6
5 Candlesticks 5/ 1 Tin Kettle and Sauce Pan 2/..7..0
1 Tub and 4 pails 6/6 8 Pewter Plates and 1 Dish 7/6..14..0
2 Pine Tables 7/6 1 old Mahogany Desk 40/2..7..6
1 Candlestand 12/6 a Mahogany Waiter 1/..13..6
1 Dressing Glass (broke)..7..6
6 Chairs 40/. 1 Elbow Chair and pan 20/3.--.-
5 Pewter measures and 1 funnel..12..6
1 Walnut Table 7/6 4 pr Money Scales and weights 20/ 1..7..6
1 Footman 2/6 Pewter Inkstand 1/3..3..9
1 pr Stilyards 10/ 1 pr Ditto 20/ 2 Small Pots Butters/ 1.15..0
4 Pictures 4/ 1 Case and 6 Bottles 5/..9..0
1 mattross 35/ 3 Blankets 10/2..5..0
10 Old Shirts 40/ 18 Shirts at 12/6 £11..5..013..5..0
3 Stocks and 1 Cravat 1/6 4 pr. Riding legings 2/3..3..9
1 Table Cloth 5/ 3 Sheets 22/6 3 Towells & 1 Pillow Case 2/61.10..0
2 Waistcoats 8/. 2 Hankfs 3/. 3 pr Sheets 45/2.16..0
1 Counterpin 12/6 1 Pr. Sleeve Buttons 10/.1..2..6
4 Pr. Thread Stockings..4..0
Sliver Shoe and Knee Buckles and Clasps..15..0
ps old Curtain neting 1/3 3 Coats 55/. 2 New Market Do 50/5..6..3
1 Cloak 20/. 2 Waistcoats 10/. 7 Vols. Spectators 1 wanting 10/2..-..-
1 old Bible 2/. 1 Letter Case 8 1 Dark Lantern 1/..3..8
Old Iron Casks and other lumber2..-..-
150 Bushels of Coal @ 106..5..0
6 Silver Tea Spoons & 1 Table Spoon1..2..0
1 Hand Bell and Cloth Brush 2/6 3 Busts 3/9..6..3
Cart & Harness for 4 Horses9..-..-
Riding Chair & Harness6.--.-
Black Mare10.--.-
Sorrel Mare5.--.-
Sorrel Horse5.--.-
Black Horse12.--.-
Sorrel Colt16.--.-
1 Cow4.10..0
1 Plain Gold Watch25.--.-
1 Gold Seal3.--.-
Slaves Viz
Jenny and Child Suckey70.--.-

Pursuant to an order of York Court bearing date the 17th day of August 1772 We have appraised in Current Money the Slaves and Personal Estate of Joseph Scrivener deceased amounting as above to one thousand two hundred and Seven Pounds Six Shillings and Seven Pence.
Sept. 15th 1772

J.D. Dixon
Ro: Prentis
James Southall

Returned into York County Court the 21 day of September 1772 and ordered to be recorded
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: