An Appraisment of the Estate of Armistead Lightfoot deced

1 Negro Man Slave Will20..0..0
1 ditto Cesar20..0..0
1 ditto Jemmy10.--.--
1 ditto Woman Cloe15.--.-
11 pr. Pinch Back Shoe Buckles 33/. 7 pr. ditto Knee ditto 8/92..1..9
2 pr. Mourning Knee Buckles 1/3 1 Sett Stone Shoe & Knee do. 35/1.16..3
1 Stone Stock Buckle 20/. 1 pr. Stone Knee Buckles & Broach 25/. 22..5..0
2 Silver Breeches Buckles 15/. 1 Pinch Back Stock Buckle 2/6..17..6
1 Broken Stone Buckle 1/. 4 pr Gold Sleeve Buttons 100/. 1 pr Studds 20/.6..1..0
1 Pr. Silver Buttons 4/. 1 pr Brass Do. 9 3 Tortoice Shell Rings 5/..9..9
3 Cristal Dice 2/6 3 Tooth pick Cases 12/6 7 Seals unsett 10/1..5..0
2 Steel Watch Chains & 1 Small Glass Seal..10..0
1 small Smelling Bottle 2/6 1 small red Trunk 2/6..5..-
2 Gold Braces 30/. 1 Seal & Watch Key 5/. 1 Tortice Shell Snuff Box 30/.3..5..0
7 Snuff Boxes 10/. 1 Silver Salve Box 20/. 1 Surgeons Case Instrumts. 20/2.10..0
2 Silk worked pocket Books 15/. 2 Morocco Do. 15/1.10..9
36 Knives of diff: Sorts 60/. 5 Cork Screws 5/. 1 Gun vice & Anville 10/3.15..0
4 Cases with 9 Lancetts 20/. 2 Gun chargers 2/61..2..6
1 Sett Horse Fleams Silver 10/. 1 Brass Ditto 1/..11..0
1 Horse Picker 2/. 2 pr Scissars 1/3 2 Magnitts 2/...5..0
1 Silver & Steel Spattela 5/. 1 Gun Screw 1/6 1 Cock Spurr Saw 2/6..9..0
2 pr. Ivory Dice 4/. 2 Pencils Silver Case 2/6 1 tin Salve Box 2/6..9..0
2 Steel Padlocks & keys 6/. 1 diamond 10/. 1 Gun Screw driver 1/6.17..6
1 Parralel Rule & 14 Sticks Sealing Wax 5/. 1 Comb Case & tooth Brush 2/6..7..6
1 Tortoice Shell Silver'd Tobo. Box 5/. 1 Silver Nutmegg Chest 2/6..7..6
1 broken Silver Ladle 2/6 7 Powder Horns 3/6 1 bread Toster 2/6..8..6
1 Leather Ink pot 2/6 1 two feet Rule 3/. 1 pr Leather Muffatees 1/3..6..9
1 Hone & Strop 4/. 1 Ball Twine 1/6 7 Hatt Hooks 3/6 6 Drum Hooks 1/:.10..0
5 Lead Pencils 1/. 1 Pounce Box 1/3 2 Silkfish Lines 1/. 1 Squirrel Chain 2/6..5..9
some Picture Hooks Buttons and Sundrys.10..0
1 Gun Hammer 2/. 1 Watch String 1/3 3 pr Silver Gaffletts 2/6..5..9
3 Bundles whiplashes 10/. 5 Cases with 14 Razors 40/2.10..0
2 Whip Thongs 2/6 1 Hone and 1 Pr. Snuffers 10/..12..6
6 Pewter Spoons 2/ 1 Razor Strop & 2 Razors 10/. 3 Cotton Tines 2/6.14..6
2 Volumes Churchills Poems 4/. 2 Volumes Tatler 1/6..5..6
1 Volume Robinson Cruso 2/6 1 Volume Drexelius on Electrity 2/..4..6
1 Volume Fidles and Henrietta 2/. 1 Compleat Question Book 2/..4..0
1 Grammar of the Italian Language 3/6 1 German Spy 5/..8..6
Smiths Libra 4/. a Short View of Astromomy 4/ Gardeners Calendar 4/..12..0
Senica's Morells 4/. Roe's Poems 2/6 2 Volumes Campain 4/ ..10..6
Douglas on the Mufetts 2/. Burns Justice of the Peace 3 Vols: 15/..17..0
Salmons Grammar 7/6 Kennetts Antiquities 4/6..12..0
The American Negotiator 5/. Marondrells Travells 3/. Pamplets 5/..13..0
5 Books of Levice 80/. 2 Vols: Reverie 5/. Paradice lost and Regain'd 6/4.11..0
The World 4 Vols: 10/ Shakespears Works 7 Vols: 20/1.10..0
Priors Poems 2 Vols: 6/. Abbisina 2 Vo: 3/6 Portia 2 Vo: 4/.13..6
2 Vols: Princes Abbisina 4/. 2 Vols: Roger and Son 5/..9..0
1 Vol: Bevridges Thoughts 2/6 Addisons Remarks 2/...4..6
Rays Wisdom of God 2/6 Universal History 21. Vols: £66..2..6
Lock Essays 2 Vols: 8/ Love of Fame 2/6 Martins Gazettere 5/.15..6
Henrietta 2 Vols: 4/ The Sisters 1 Vol: 2/. Wallers Works 1 Vol. 3/..9..0
Devil Dick 2 Vol: 5/. Tabler 4 Vol: 10/. Spectator 8 vols. 20/1.15..0
Smalletts History of England 7 Vol: 30/. Angelons Letters 2 Vo: 6/1.16..0
Moffets on Food 3/. Levres Roman History 6 Vols: 30/. Belle Letters 10/2..3..0
Voltairs universal History 4 Vols. 10/. Gibsons History of Horses 7/6 .17..6
Gibsons Diating of Horses 2/6 Gibsons Farier of Guide 3/ ..5..6
Medicina Britanica 3/. Moores Utopiea 2/. Brakers Faring 5/ .10.-
Bartletts Farreing 3/ Ralphs Poems 2/6 Trench Grammar 3/ ..8..6
Butter Remains 2 Vo. 8/. Evermons Works 3 Books 10/..18..0
Attiburys Sermons 2 Vols 8/ Spirit of Law 2 Vo: 10/..18.-
108 Books in a Hamper £12..0..0 20 Pamphlets in a Hamper 2/612..2..6
Rapiens History of England 2 Vo: in Folio 40/2.--.-
Grotious on War and Peace 1 Book 15/. 3 Latin Dictionarys 20/1.15..0
1 qty Wagoner 5/ Virginia Laws 5/. 1 Case with Bottles 10/1..--.-
a parcell of Fishing Tackle Hooks Lines Gig: &c: in a Trunk 40/2..-.-
1 Sword and Bell 60/. 1 Mourng. Do. 10/ 1 pr Pistols 30/ 5.--.
2 large Powder Flasks 10/. 23 Wine Glasses 27/6 2 Rum Do. 6/ 2..3..6
1 large Rum Glass 10/. 1 Glass Can 10/ 1 ditto Bowl 5/ 1..5.-
2 Cyder Glasses 4/. 4 China Potting Pots 20/. 3 Glass Salvers 30/2.14.-
1 doz wash Glass Saucers and 7 Cups1.--.-
19 odd Cups & 23 odd Saucers 30/. 15 pr. odd China 40/ 3.10.-
1 Tea Kitchen 40/. 1 old Carpet 10/. 1 Kilmarnock do. 20/3.10.-
1 oyl Carpet 20/. 3 doz & 7 Jelly Glasses 30/2.10.-
22 Glasses belonging to a Desert 10/. 1 Plate warmer 30/2.--.-
2 Glass Muggs 6/. 2 Chinea Muggs 20/. 1 Pickle Queen China Xand 3/1..9..0
1 pr. End Irons Tongs and Shovel 70/ 1 Shaving Box 30/ 5.--.-
Sundry Physic in a Cuppard 40/. 2 Decanters 10/. 2 Tumblers 3 Glass Salts 5/. 4 Bottle Sliders 7/6 6 Walnut Chairs 60/3.12..6
2 Walnut Cloath Presses £8-- 1 ditto Pine 20/. 1 Mahogany Desk £413.--.-
1 Harpsichord £10.-- 2 large brass handled Trunks £5 15.--.-
1 pr Small End Irons 20/. 4 Flag bottomed Chairs 30/2.10.-
1 large Waiter 20/. 1 Marble Mortar 20/. 3 Sad Irons 7/ 2..7.-
1 Handbell 10/. 1 Safe 10/. 1 Sirch and Flower Tray 4/ 1..4.-
1 Chest wth: Sundry Carpenters Tools £5-- 1 Box with Sundry Tools 60/8.--.-
1 bag and Cask with Nails £9-- 9 Bundles Plad Hose 70/ 12.10.-
1 ps. Hempen Rolls 20/ 1 Shagareene Shaving Case 7/61..7..6
1 Chafendish 10/. 11 Reap hooks 10/ 5 Maps 25/ 1 Trunk wth. Shot 5/2.10.-
25 lb. Brimstone 10/ 15 Bird Cages 60/ 6 Girtles 5/ 5 Cirsingles 7/64..2..6
3 pr. Dog Cupples and 7 Collars 5/ 2 Marble Mortars 15/1.--.--
2 Glass Mortars 7/6 2 Juggs 4/ 18 Milk Pans 101..1..6
5 large Pots 7/6 5 felt Hatts 7/6 1 pr. End Irons 30/ 2..5.-
16 pr. Wool and Cotton Cards 10/ 5 leather Caps 7/6..17..6
15 Earthen Muggs & Cups 2/6 4 Gilt Birds with Pullies 1/6.15.-
1 Rimnant Livory lace 5/ 64 ps. Queens China 40/2..5.-
4 Flower Pots 2/6 3 Waiters for Bottles 2/6.. 5.-
1 Box Iron two Heaters and Hand 10/ 4 Tin Saucer Pans 3/..13.-
3 Riding Saddles 60/. 2 Racing Ditto 40/5.--.-
4 Bridles 15/ 1 Chair Bridle 7/6 4 frying Pans 20/2..2..6
2 dozen Hoes 60/. 1 Keg Peas 10/ 2 Portmanteau Trunks 10/4..0..0
4 doz & 2 Bundles Twine 70/ 2 Decanters 5/3.15.-
5 ps. Earthen Ware 1/. 5 Pictures 20/. 1 large Picture 10/1.11..0
1 Parcel Tyle 4/ 1 ps. Tard Rope 4/. 1 paper Salt Peter 10/.18..0
2 Suits Horse Cloaths and 4 Bandages1.10..0
4 Saddle Cloths 7/6 1 Hat Box 1/3 1 doz Mustard 12/1..0..9
1 doz Cake pans 7/6 2 Sythis and 3 Pot hooks 5/.12..6
1 Coffee Roaster 2/6 1 Kittle Trivet 2/. 1 Carboy 5/..9..6
1 leather Portmantua 10/ 1 Mahogany Bottle Case 25/1.15..0
2 Brass Kettles 8/ 11 Spades 60/ 1 Parcel Physic in a Draw 30/4.18..0
20 Bottles Spirits Wine and Sundries4..0..0
2 Kegs with Paint 10/ 1 Chest Physic 60/3.10..0
2 Riggs and 5 Baggs Bird feed 10/. 1 Brass Skimmer & Ladle 5/.15..0
2 pr. Boot Strops 3/ 1 Belt and Martingale 2/6..5..6
a parcel of old Iron 20/ 2 Casks with Salt 30/2.10..0
1 Tea Chest 2/6 1 Oak Desk & Book Case 60/3..2..6
1 Ship 5/. 8 pr. Bullet Mould 7/6 2 Guaging Rods 10/1..2..6
1 Iron Chest 20/ 1 Tin Sugar Box 2/ 1 Basket with 2 Bottles 5/1..7..0
1 Clock Case & 2 Waits 20/ 8 doz 5 Pint Bottles 40/3..0..0
1 Box with Shot 15/ loose nails in Drawer 15/1.10..0
4 doz Quart Bottles 10/ 1 doz pint ditto 1/6..11..6
1 pr Brass Candlesticks 6/ 1 Footman & 2 Chafendishes 7/6..13..6
1 Suit Silk Clothes £15 1 Black Suit ditto £621..0..0
1 Suit Scarlet Cloths 60/ 1 Suit Flowered Silk 6£ 9..0..0
1 Suit Silk and Worsted 50/ 1 Broad Cloth Suit Gold Buttons 100/7.10..0
1 Coat an Breeches thicks1.10..0
1 Coat and Breeches of Blue and Silver6..0..0
1 Scarlet Shagg Coat 4£ 1 Suit Black Cloth £610.--.-
3 old Coats 100/ 2 Black Waistcoats Princess Stuff 20/ 6..-..
3 lacid Waistcoats 100/ 3 old Waistcoats 40/7..0..0
1 Duroy Waistcoat & Breeches 20/ 1 Cloth Waistcoat & Breeches 40/3..0..0
2 old pr. Breeches 1 Fustian Coat and Waistcoat 30/1.10..0
1 bro: Holland Coat and Breeches 12/6 1 pr. Trowsers 1/6..14..0
1 Waistcoat and Breeches of Jeans..10..0
16 Stocks 8/ 8 Plain Shots 80/ 5 Ruffled do. 75/8..3..0
2 old Riding Chairs £5-- 1 Mans Saddle 30/6.10..0

Pursuant to an order of York Court bearing date the ---------- We the Subscribers being first Sworn have met and appraised in Current Money the Slaves and Personal Estate of Armistead Lightfoot deceased agreeable to the above Schedule.

Thos: Archer
Wm. Cary
Law Smith junr

Returned into York County Court the 16th day of November 1772 And ordered to be Recorded.
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: