In obedience to an order of the Worshipful Court of York County bearing date 18th Day of May 1772. We the Subscribers being first Sworn have met and appraised the Slaves and Personal Estate of Amey Moss deceased in Current Money in manner following to wit

To one Negroe Woman Cloe60..--..-
To one Negroe Boy Lewis 50..--.. -
To one Negroe Girl Mary40..--..-
To one Negroe Boy John35..--..-
To one Negroe Boy Jawney25..--..-
To 3 Young Steers8..--..-
To 4 Young Do.10..--..-
To 2 Cows5..--..-
To two 2..--..-- Cows and Calves6..--..-
To 4 Cows with Calf12..--..-
To one Cow Do.3..--..-
To three Young Cows @ 45/6..15..-
To thirteen Yearlings @ 20/13..--..-
To one Mare7..--..-
To three Raw Hides and two Skins1..9..-
To a Parcel of old Iron1..5..-
To two Axes and a Hammer..7..6
To three Wedges..5..-
To two Spinning Wheels..5..-
To 12 Barrels Corn @ 12/67..10..00
To 6 pr. of Cotton arid Wool Cards..5..-
To one Bed and furniture5..--..--
To one Bed and furniture Do.2..--..-
To two Iron Pots and Hooks and two Racks1..10..-
To one frying Pan Spit Grid Iron & Trevit..10..-
To one Bell Mettle Skillet..10..-
To Six gone Pots 12/6 two Tubs and three Pails 7/61..--..-
To two Tubs Do. 5/. Six flag'd Chairs 15/1..--..-
To eight Milk Pans 6/. a Parcel of Pewter 30/1..16..-
To Seven dozen of Bottles and one Stone Jugg..17..-
To one Canoe and Drum Gigg..18..-
To one Box Iron & Heaters and Candle Stick..6..-
To 1 Square Pine Table..2..6
To Half a dozen Knives and forks4..0..0
To one Table Cloth and two Towells..4..-
To 474 lb of unpicked Cotton at 3d pr Pound5..18..6
To 124 of Sope at 7 ½ d pr Pound3..17..6
To 35 of Tallow at 9 pr pound1..6..3
To 75 lb of Lard at 6 pr Pound1..17..6
To a Pare of Stilyard 10/. 10 Baskets 7/6..17..6
To five Trays and a Sifter 5/. two Chests 6/..11..-
To one yard and a Half of Brown Sheeting 3/. Five Pounds of Spun Cotton 12/6 ten Jack Bags 10/1..5..6
to two Trunks..10..-
To 700 lb. Bacon at 7 ½ Pr. Pound21..17..6
To some earthen ware and one tin Cannister..3..6
To one Pair Cart Wheels1..-..-
To two Tobacco Hogsheads 10/. three Books 7/6..17..6
To 6 old Barrels 6/. Half a Bushels Pease 1/6..7..6
To one Ox Chain and one Froe..6..3
To twenty two Hoggs £11..0..0 two Sows with Pig 40/ To two Sows Do. £ 2..0..015..-..-
To elven Shoats 40/. Cash in the House 10/2..10..-

William Moss
John Goodwin Senr.
John Goodwin junr.

Returned into York County Court the 17th day of August 1772 and ordered to be Recorded.
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: