Pursuant to an order of York County Court dated the 17th day of May 1773 We the Subscribers being first sworn before Anthony Robinson Gent: one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace of the said County have Appriased the Estate of John Cox deced as follows

Old Tools and Flax Wheels1..7..6
Seven old flag Chairs 7/6 1 Gun 12/61..0..0
2 broad Hoes 4/6 1 Pot & Frying Pan 3/6..8..0
a Parcel Wooden Ware 5/. 1 old Gigg 1/6..6..6
2 Baskets 2/ 1 old Saddle and Bridle 7/6..9..6
1 Table 2/6 2 Axes 3/6..6.-
2 Earthen Pans 1/3 half a doz Pewter Plates 3/9..5..-
a Parcel old Pewter 7/6 two Boxes 3/..10..6
one Bed and Furniture2.10..0
one Loom 10/ 1 Powdering Tub 1/6..11..6
4 Bottles 6d 13 Spinning Wheels £5..4..05..4..6
2 old fluke Hoes & Harrow..2..6
1 Sow and five Shoats1.--.-
1 Cow 50/ 1 Flax Break 2/62.12..6
2 Heifers 40/ Weaving Harness 3/2..3.-
1 pr. Oyster Tongs 2/6 1 Ax & Sifter 1/3..3..9
1 sugar & Drawing Knife & Gimlet.1..3
1 Shoat 2/6..2..6
2 Flat Irons 2/6 1 Spit 2/6....5-
2 Sows and five Pigs 25/. 1 Shoat 3/.1..8..0
£ 20..17..6

Thomas Roberts
Samuel Presson [his mark]
Francis Cook

Retuned into York County Court the 18th day of October 1773 and ordered to be Recorded.
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: