The Inventory and Appraisment of Sachiviral Sclater's Estate

To Six Chairs at 9/ one Iron Pot 6/ one large Bible £2 2..15..-
To a Bed and furniture £2..10..0 one Loom and furniture £2 4..10..-
To a Spinning Wheel 10/ a Bed and furniture 50/ 3..-..-
To a Womans Saddle 50/ To 4 Hoggs @ £4 a Sow & Pigs 20/ 7..10..0
To 1 Cow and Calf £4 one Bay Colt 20/ to 5 Shoats 37/6 6..17..6
To 4 Sheep at £2 a Bay Mare £24..--.-
To a parcel of Fodder at 1/6 pr hundd: 925 Bundles 2 Steers @ £6 three Cows £7..10..014..3..10 ½
To 2 Heifers at £3 to 2 Work Steers £6 Eight Geese at 12/9..12..0
To a Stack of Fodder at ½ pr. Foot one pr of Tongs at 3/91..3..9
To a plow 10/ to an ax and Sett of Wedges 7/6..17..6
To a Parcel of old Iron 2/6 to 33 Turkies £2..3..102..6..4
To 4 Pots and 2 Racks at 20/ two Tubs and 3 Pails 2/6 1..2..6
To 3 Trays and Table 5/ To a Desk £5 two Chests 3/95..8..9
To a Table 15/ a Cupboard 7/6 a Press 10/1..12..6
To a Parcel of Glass and Earthen Ware 5/ 2 Spinning Wheels 10/..15..0
To a Mans Saddle 10/ 2 Beds and furniture £33..10..0
To 4 dozen Bottles 8/ to 3 doz Plates and 11 Dishes £3 3..8..0
To 5 Pewter Basons 10/ to a parcel of Stone Juggs &c 11/3 1..1..3
To a Grid Iron and Spit 5/ a Flower Tub and 3 Trays 2/6 ..7..6
To a Coffee Pot 2/6 to 6 pr of Vamps for Shoes 9/ ..11..6
To a Bed and Furniture £2 a Pair of Vamps 1/6 2..1..6
To a Sword and Sheep Shares 1/3 to a parcel of Lumber 2/6 ..3..9
To a pair of Oyster Clamps 5/ a Box Iron and Heaters 2/6 ..7..6
To a Case of Bottles 12/6 2 Candle moulds and Pipkin 2/ ..14..6
To a Tea Kettle and pair of Hinges 5/6 a Rum Keg Meal Tub & Box 2/6..8..0
To a Cart and Wheels £1..10..0 a parcel of Corn at 10/ pr. Bar: 231. bbls 18..5..0
To a Grind Stone & Scive 1/3 3 Sack Bags 3/..4..3
To a Case of Lancets and ditto of Razors 10/ a Strop 1/3 ..11..3
To 6 Chairs 6/3 a Canoe 5/..11..3
£92..19..11 ½

Agreeable to an order of York Court We the subscribers met and appraised the Estate of Sachiviral Sclater deced. in Current Money as above Given under our Hands this fifteenth day of January one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy four.

W. Eaton
Mattw. Moody Junr.
Will. Moody Junr.

Returned into York County Court the 17th day of January 1774. and ordered to be Recorded.
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: