To 1 Bed Bolster 2 Sheets and an old Blanket2..0..0
To 1 Bed Boulster 1 Sheet & Blankets 3..0..0
To 1 Silk Counterpane2.--.--
To 1 Small Hand and Tea Board..10..-
To 1 Gun and Cartouch Box..10..-
To 2 Taylors Irons..15..-
To 1 pot Rack Swaypole Spit and Chain..10..-
To 1 Wire Cage 3 Brooms 1 Cricket & Basket..1..3
To 4 Rush Bottom Chairs..5..-
To 1 Walnut Table..7..6
To 2 pr Shares 1 ditto Scissors 1 Lap Board and Natch ditto..7..6
To 1 large Bible 1 whole duty of Man & 3 other Books ..15..
To 1 Sauce pan 1 Sugar Box 2 Cannisters and 1 Funnel ..7..6
To 1 pr Money Scales and three Cloths Brushes..3..9
To 1 dish and 5 Plates..5..-
To 2 Chests..12..6
To 1 Pine Table and Trussel..2..6
To 1 Corner Cupboard..5..-
To 1 Shop Board..10..0
To 1 Pinch Bick Watch2..-.-
To 1 Hatt..15..-
To 1 New Market Coat..5..
To 1 Suit of Clothes..15..-
To 1 Coat and Waistcoat..10..0
To 1 Coat and Waistcoat..7..6
To 1 Coat 5 Waistcoats & pr Breeches..15..-
To 6 Shirts 3 Cravats 5 pr thrd. Hose 1 pr Silk ditto 4 Towells & 1 Bag2..0..0
To 1 Coat unfinished2..-..-
To 19 hks Twist..6..4
To 2 pr Shoes..7..6
To 1 pr Silver Buckels..15..-
£ 24..3..8

In obedience to the Worshipful Court held for York County the 20th day of December 1773 We the Subscribers being appointed to Appraise the Estate of George Bosomworth deced being first Sworn have appraised the said Estate in Current Money as follows

Thos: Burroughs
Will: Loyd
Chas. Mennis

Returned into York County Court the 21st day of February 1774 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: