Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of John Camp taken January 25th 1774

2 Grey Horses25..-..-
1 Mare and Colt30..-..-
1 Riding Horse25..-..-
1 Chair Horse20..-..-
1 Bay Colt8-..-..-
1 large Walnut Table2..-..-
1 ditto 21/6 1 ditto 12/61..14..0
16 Walnut Chairs8..-..
1 pr And irons Tongs and Shovel..5..-
9 Chairs4..10..-
1 Looking Glass1..-..-
1 Pine Table..2..6
1 pr. And irons..3..9
1 Chest drawers3..10..0
6 Chairs 60/. 1 Desk 70/6..10..-
2 Beds and Furniture16..-..-
1 looking Glass 16/ 1 Table 2/..18..0
Parcel Glass Ware China and 2 Waiters1..-..0
6 Table Spoons 80/ 6 Tea ditto 12/64..12..6
1 Soop ditto1..5..0
And irons & Tongs 3/ 1 pr Bellows 3/..6..-
Parcel of Books-..15..-
13 pr Sheets6..10..-
2 Quilts2..-..-
1 Counterpin 17/6 5 Table Cloths 50/3..7..6
Bed and furniture 90/ 1 pr And irons4..12..0
5 flat Irons..8..-
2 Beds and furniture8..0..0
4 ditto and ditto16..-..-
1 Chair 3/ 2 Baskets 3/9..6..9
2 Beds and Furniture8..-..-
2 Spinning Wheels..15..-
11 Chamber Pots..9..
1 Cradle 20/ 1 Saddle 15/1..15..0
a Parcel Pewter 80/ 1 Still 40/ 5 Candlesticks 10/6..10..0
1 Copper Kettle 40/ 1 old Brass ditto 10/2..10..-
Parcel Earthenware..15..0
3 Iron Pots 30/ 1 Skillet 12/62..2..6
1 Mortar & Pestle 7/6 1 Tea Kettle 11/..18..6
1 Frying Pan Gridiron & Ladle..10..-
3 Jars 30/ 1 Driping pan 7/61..17..6
a Parcel Tubs and Pails..8..-
5 Butter Pots 16/ 1 Cask Butter 60/3..16..0
45 lb Candles at 9d1..13..9
1 Quarter Cask Wine5..10..0
1 Warming Pan 7/6 1 Bagg Coffee 35/2..2..6
1 Cask bro: Sugar 40/ 3 lbs. S. Sugar 40/4..-..-
9 Baggs, 3 ditto 36/ 2 Cases Bottles 30/3..6..0
1 pr Scales & 1 pr Money ditto..10..-
1 Ridding Chair & Harness18..-..-
7 Cows and a Calf28..-..-
a Parcel Hoes & Axes &c...10..-
a Cart & Harniss8..-..-
P.C Mahogany Desk5..-..-
1 Saddle Bridle and Saddle Cloth3..-..-
MC 1 Watch £5-- 1 ditto £4--9..-..-
Do 1 Case Lancets 12/6 K 1 Case 7 Bottles 7/61..-..-
1 Gun 60/ 1 old Saddle 15/3..15..0

At the Quarter in James City taken March 16th 1774

5 Sows 75/ 28 Shoats 70/ 8 Cows £2431..5..0
6 Yearlings 150/ 4 Steers £1623..10..0
1 Cart & Harm: Harniss7..10..0
1 Horse £8 1 ditto 40/10..-..-
16 Sheep @ 10/8..-..-
9 Lambs2..5..0
70 Barrels Corn @ 10/35..-..-
Plantations Utenssils2..-..-

Pursuant to an order of York Court bearing date the 17th day of January 1774. We have Appraised the Slaves and Personal Estate of John Camp deced agreeable to this Account amounting to Six Hundred Ninity Nine Pounds--Nineteen Shillings and Nine Pence Current Money. March 19th. 1774.

Cuthbert Hubbard
Daniel Prentis
Cha: Taliaferre

Returned into York County Court the 21st day of March 1774 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: