An Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Thomas Cobbs deced. taken this 27th January 1774

1 Black Walnut Desk 25/ 1 Case & Bottles 7/61..12..6
1 Close Stool Chair 15/ 2 old Rush Chairs 1/3..16..3
1 Large black Walnut Table 30/ 2 small Pine @ 3/ each 1..16..0
1 large Chest 5/ 1 Burfet 10/ a small Safe 2/6..17..6
a Parcel Shoemakers Tools 10/ Carpenters & Coopers Tools £7 7..10..-
a parcel old Iron 20/ 3 Scythe Blades 10/1..10..-
1 Blue painted Chest 5/ 2 Do. 5/ 2 large Juggs 6/..16..-
2 Boxes Glass 20/ 1 Screwed Bedstead 18/ 14 Sashes 25/ 2..18..0
6 Reap Hooks 1/6 1 pr Scales & Weights 5/ 6 Wheel Rims 6/ ..12..6
1 Bed Bedstead Rug & Blanket 25/ 1 Lime Sifter 4/1..9..0
7 Earthen pans 3/6 a Clothes Press 20/ a parcel Books 25/ 2..8..6
1 Blank Book 5/ 3 Inkstands & Brass Pin 3/ 1 Gal & Pint pot 3/..11..0
a parcel Pewter 15/ 7 Earthen plates 2/ 6 Tea Ware 7d ½ ..18..1 ½
3 earthen Mugs and 2 Bowls 3/ a Cruet Pepper & Mustard pot 7 ½ d..3..7 ½
1 Wooden Can and Water Jug 2/6 2 Funnels 7 ½ d..3..1 ½
1 Gun &c 30/ 1 pr pocket Stilyard 6d 2 pr large Do 20/ 2..10..6
a Small parcel of Leather 16/ 2 Powder Horns 1/3 1 Candle Stick 7 ½ d..17..10 ½
1 Soap Jarr 10/ 5 Butter pots 5/ 5 Juggs 5/ 3 doz Bottles 7/61..17..6
1 Brass Locke 2/6 1 Oyster Runlet 1/ 2 pr. Dog Irons 5/ ..8..6
2 pr. fire Tongs 1/3 1 Small Flat 20/ 1 Petty Augur 50/ 3..11..3
1 small Petty Augur 20/ 1 Canoe 15/ 2 pr. Oyster Tongs 15/ 2..10..-
1 Mans Saddle Bridle & Housing 7/6 2 Iron Pistles 10/..17..6
1 Cart & Harness £4 1 Half Yoke 1/ 1 Bay Mare £37..1..-
1 Bay Horse £4 1 White Ditto £4 2 Cows & Yearling £7 15..-..-
2 Grindstones 8/ 1 Work Bench 10/ 1 Turners Lathe 2/61..0..6
1 Whip Crosscut & Tenant Saws 40/ 2 hhds & the Tubs 6/3 2..6..3
Plank and Scantling 20/ 2 Ox Chains 15/ 2 Spades 5/2..-..-
4 Tubs 2/6 Plows & Harrows 10/ 2 Scythe Blades 2/6..15..-
17 Bushels Pease 51/ 33 Do. of Oats 4½ 700 Bundles Fodder 14/5..6..-
20 Barrels Corn £10 2 Stacks & the Shacks 20/11..-..-
1 Brass Kettle 15/ 1 Sow & 4 Shoats 20/ 4 hhds Shells 4/ 1..19..-
3 Iron Pots 18/ 1 Iron Spit 3/ 1 Frying pan 3/1..4..-
3 Pot Racks 20/ 1 Iron Skillet 2/6 1 Tin Roaster 7 ½ d1..3..1 ½
4 Axes 8/ 7 Fishing Poles 1/3 part of a Sein 10/..19..3
1 ½ Bushels Beans 4/6 Cyder Casks 5/ 2 Books 10/..19..6
1 Small Box with some Brasses..5..-
1 Steer £3..10..0 1 Bed & Furniture 50/ 1 Ditto & furniture £410..-..-
1 large Chest 7/6 1 pr. flatt Irons 9/ 1 Pewter Dish 2/6 ..14..-
Iron Pot 2/6 1 Spinning Wheel 8/..10..6
Negroes Jack £60 Charles £50 Pompey £5 Mary £5120..-..-
£ 21/..18..4 ½

In obedience to an order of York County Court bearing date the Seventeenth Day of January 1774 We whose names are under written being first Sworn have appraised the Slaves and Personal Estate of Thomas Cobbs deced as above Written in Current Money.

James Sheilds
Samuel Timson
John Timson

Returned into York County Court the 21st day of November 1774 and ordered to be Recorded.
Thos: Everard Cl. Cur.