Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of John Lookup deceased taken the 17th day of August 1774 -

6 old Wigs and a box 15/ 1 Tea chest 5/1..-..-
a small Mahagony Box 1 pr. Mitts and a Perspective Glass..10..-
a small gilt trunk 3/9 a deal Box and sundry old Books &c. 10/..13..9
Horsmans Conveyanceing 2 Vols. 10/ each1..-..-
Jacobs Law Dictionary 20/ Break's surveying 5/1..5..-
Coles dictionary 5/ Styles Register 2/6..7..6
a parcel of old Books in Trunk No. 4 & Trunk..15..-
Blackston's Commentaries 4 Vols. 20/ Wilsons surveying 5/1..5..-
Martins Triganometry 3 vols. 7/6 Dunstors Horace 5/..12..6
Grigories Geometry 2/6 Gilberts Law of Evidence 5/..7..6
Fergusons astronomy 5/ old Book &c & Trunk no. 5 40/2..5..-
27 old Linnen Shirts 40/ a trunk and Lumber 40/4..-..-
Statutes at Large 40/ Sundry Cloaths 50/ 2 pr. Blankets 30/ a Parcel of Cloths & a trunk 60/ a Hone, 2 Razor Straps 2 Razors 2 Brushes, 2 Hatts old4..10..0
Bridle, 2 Books, a Hatchet, & a black Trunk no. 581..-..-
a sett of Mathematical Instruments 2 Scales & 2 pr. shoes1..10..-
Barrow Reports 2 vs. 20/ Bacons Abridgement 5 vs. 50/3..10..-
Barnardistons Chancery Reports 10/ Civil Law 2 vs. 20/1..10..0
Attorneys Practice 2 vs. 5/ Harrisons do. in Chancery 10/..15..-
The attorneys assistant 5/ a Clerks Instructor 5/
Bacons law Tracts 2/6 Law dialogues 2/6..5..-
Crookes Reports 3 Vs. 10/ Cook upon Littleton 30/ 3Vs.2..-..-
Woods Institutes 2 Vs. 5/ Attorneys Pocket Compn. 2 Vs. 5/..10..-
Blackston's Law tracts 2 Vs. 10/ Proctors Practice 2/6..12..6
a Parcel of old Books and Trunk No. 31..-..-
a mourning Sword 5/ an old Mare & a Horse £55..5..-
a Sow and four pigs 15/ 6 dunghill & 9 ducks 11/91..6..9
a Cow and Calf 60/ a Sow and three Shoats 32/64..12..6
The Crop of Corn &c. on the Ground5..-..-
an old Saddle and Bridle 15/ 2 Hoes & 2 narrow axes 7/61..2..6
1 augar, 1 drawing Knife, 1 Handsaw & file..5..-
a Collar, 2 pr. Hanes & 1 pr. Traces..2..6
a Harrow and plow 20/ a Watch 80/ a Seat, Buttons and pen Knife 7/6 5..7..6

In obedience to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County bearing date the 15th day of August 1774 We the Subscriberes being first Sworn have met and appraised the Estate of John Lookup decd. amounting to Fify nine pounds ten shillings and six pence current money as above.

John Ferguson
Benjn. Bucktrout
Wm. Pearson

Cash I had from the Treasurer belonging to Mr. Lookup's Estate70..2..6
Do. from Matthew Moody Senr.10..3..9
A. Purdie£80..6..3

Returned into York County Court the fifteenth day of May and Ordered to be Recorded
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: