Pursuant to a Court held for York County 20th November 1775 Being first Sworn have met and appraised in Current money the Personal Estate of John Harrison decd

To 6 Cows at 50/15..-..-
2 Bulls and 2 Heiffers at 30/6..-..-
1 Yoke Steers8..-..-
1 Cow and Calf3..5..-
4 Calves at 15/ 13 Hogs at 12/611..2..6
1 Bed and furniture at 80/ 1 Do at Do.8..-..-
a parcel Pewter 20/1..-..-
1 Butter Pot 1/6, 18 ½ lb of Butter at 10d..16..11
2 Chests 7/6 4 small Tables at 1/3..12..6
5 Chairs at 1/3 1 Corner Cupboard 5/..11..3
1 pair Scales 5/ 3 doz: Bottles at 2/ pr. doz:..11..-
1 Pot and Rack 7/6 Parcel of Cotton at 1/3 pr pound1..8..9
1 Spit and Frying Pan 5/ Parcel Tallow at 7 ½ pr pound ..7..8
a parcel Crockery Ware and 1 Tray 2/ 3 Water Pales 5/..7..-
2 pair Cards 2/6 1 looking Glass..3..9
2 Sifters 1/3 4 Barrels 3/6 1 hand mill 20/ 1..4..9
1 Cart 20/ 1 Sett Wedges 5/ 3 Axes and Hoes 15/ 2..-..-
1 Plow and fluke Hoe 7/6 2 Cow hides 10/..17..6
a Box of Shoe Tools 1/3 a parcel old Iron at 1d pr. lb 164 lb..14..11
12 Geese at 1/3; Dunghill Fowls at 7 ½1..5..-
5 Barrels Corn at 10/2..10..-
1 Stack Fodder at 7 ½ pr Foot 1 pair of Hames 1/6..11..6
1 Bag Feathers 20/ washing Tubb and Goard Fat 2/1..2..-

Jno. Dickeson
A. Dickenson
John Chapman

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of December 1775 And Ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard. Cl Curr.