An appraisement of the Estate of Mr. James Burwell decd. in the County of King William taken llth day of Jany. 1776

2 Bay Horses21..-..-
4 Yoke of Oxen @ £832..0..0
54 Head Cattle90..0..0
15 Fatted Hogs20..0..0
33 Hhd. Sheep @ 10/16..10..0
170 Bbls Corn @ 7/59..19..-
160 Bursns. Wheat at 3/24..0..0
36 Hhd.Hogs13..10..0
Sundry plantation Utensils2..5..8
Blades &c Tops8..0..0
Cart and Wheels with Chains &c.2..10..-
lb Tobo. @

At a Court held for York County the 18th Septr. 1775 James Burwell Gent late of this Count decd dying Intestate leaving an Estate on which no person will Administer It is Ordered that the Sherif of this County take the said Estate into his hands and dispose there of according to Law and return an Account to the Court and It is further Ordered that Ambrose Edwards, William Frazer, John Watkins, & Phil Mallory, or any three of them being first Sworn before a Justice of King William County do Appraise the said Estate in that County in Current money and return the appraisment to the Court
Thos. Everard Cl.

King William of January llth 1776
Pursuant to the within Order Ambrose Edwards, William Frazer, and John Watkins three of the persons within named were duly Sworn before me for the purposes within mentioned Given under my hand day and year aforesaid
John Quarles

Pursuant to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County to us directed and is hereto annexed We the Subscribers being first Sworn before a Magistrate of the above said County have Appraised all the Estate of James Burwell decd. in said County as was produced to us by the Sherif of York County

Ambrose Edwards
W. Frazer
Jno. Watkins

Returned into York County Court the 19th day of February 1776 And Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl.