An Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Anthony Robinson decd.

35 old Sheep £14 9 Lambs £2..14/ 4 yoke of Oxen £2440..14..-
7 Cows and Calves £19..5/ 19 Cows £3857..5..-
17 Young Steers and Bulls £21..5/ 7 Yearlings £4..7..625..12..6
2 Calves 20/4 Sows & 20 Pigs 60/ 2 Sows 30/5..10..-
2 Sows and 12 Pigs 35/ 12 Young Hogs 90/6..5..-
An Ox Cart 30/ 3 Yokes and 3 Chains 20/2..10..-
3 Plows & some old flukes 20/ a small old Tumbrell 20/ 2..-..-
a Pole Chair and Harness £10 a Saddle and Bridle 10/10..10..-
a Canoe 50/ a bay Stallion £8 7 breeding Mares £5060..10..-
a Sorrel Colt 40/ a Desk and Book Case £911..-..-
12 Chairs Leather bottoms and 2 Arm Do.14..-..-
a large Oval Table 35/ 2 small Do. 35/3..10..-
5 large Maps 40/ 2 Globes 80/6..-..-
a Whip saw 55/ and old Do. 5/ 3 old hand saws 10/3..10..-
2 old Cross cut Saws 35/ a parcel of Carpenters tools 15/ 2..10..-
a Parcel of Old Iron 5/ 3 old Linnen Wheels 35/2..-..-
3 Cotton Counterpanes & bed Quilt 30/ a Bed & furniture &c. £89..10..-
2 Cotton Wheels 15/ 4 pr. old Cards 4/ 2 pr. Steelyards 15/ 1..14..-
A Gallon, Quart & Pint Measures 12/6 6 butter Potts 15/ 1..7..6
A large Iron Pot 20/ 1 Grid Iron 3/6 Wood Ware 6/31..9..9
A pr. large Scales & Weights 5/ a Candle box & 3 old Candlesticks 2/60..7..6
a Quilting frame 5/ 3 Wire Sives 15/ 1 Wooden Do. 2/61..2..6
a pair of Steelyards 1/3 a Warming Pan 4/0..5..3
An old spice Mortar & Pestle 2 Iron Spoons small Iron Kettle & Coffee Pot0..5..-
One flax Hackle 40/ a parcel of Milk Pans 10/ a Safe 2/6 2..12..6
a Cullender 1/ a Driping Pan and 3 tin Sheets 3/0..4..-
3 pr. Iron Dogs 30/ 3 pair Pot Racks 12/ 2 Pots & 2 pr. hooks 10/2..12..-
a frying Pan and Spit 2/6 a half bushel Measure 3/0..5..6
a Lie Tub 3/ 920 lb. bacon £28..15..-/ 25 barrels of Corn 10/ £12..10/41..7..-
63 bushels Wheat £9..9/ 156 bushels of Oats £11..14/ 21..3..-
2 old Chests and some tanned Sheep Skins 15/ Bottles 40/ 2..15..-
2 empty Casks and old reap hooks 3/ a quantity of Chair tire 15/0..18..-
29 bottles of Wine £4..6 Jugs 12/ Old Iron 10/ 15 Cyder Casks 45/7..7..-
7 Barrels 14/ a Quantity of Shingles 45/ Virgr. Bed ticking 35/4..14..-
Some baskets with Pease 10/ 1 tooth Harrow 10/1..-..-
An Apple Mill 20/ 6 old Casks 6/ 3 Binns 20/2..6..-
a dressing Table and Glass £4 a Corner Cupboard 50/6..10..-
a Table 30/ a Pine desk and Book Case 25/ a Candle Stand 12/63..7..6
a Looking Glass 30/ 4 China Bowls 15/ 12 Do. Plates 20/ 3..5..-
a Parcel of Glasses 7/6 Fruit Dish China and Coffee Cups 5/0..12..6
a Parcel of old Silver 66 Oz: at 6/ 19..16..-
a Bed Bedstead Bolster 2 Pillows 2 Blankets pr. Sheets Bed Quilt8..-..-
2 floor Cloths 40/ a Bed Bedstead and Furniture £68..-..-
2 pair Sheets 30/ a Pine Chest 10/ a small Walnut Table 5/ 2..5..-
Scrubing Brush 1/3 a Close Stool Chair &c. 40/2..1..3
2 Chamber Pots 2/6 1 Trunk 20/ 1 small Trunk 10/1..12..6
a Bed Bedstead and furniture £6 Pine Chest & Cotton Reel 2/66..2..6
a looking Glass 5/ a Corner Cupboard 30/ 3 table Clothes 10/2..5..-
20 pounds pickt Cotton 40/ 15 lb spun yarn Cotton 1..17..6 3..17..6
7 ¼ yards girth web 7/3 a parcel of hinges 7/60..14..9
16 brown Sugar 10/ 3 yards of Duck 6/0..16..-
3 yards brown Sheeting 4/6 Remnant of Cloth 7/60..12..-
Coopers Carpenters and Sadlers tools 20/ Lumber 5/1..5..-
a Case with Bottles 10/ 7 Stone Jugs 12/6 2 Flues 5/1..7..6
a large family Bible. £3 Life of Christ 50/5..10..-
Chambers Dictionary £4 Swinburne of Wills 20/5..-..-
Salthelds Reports 13 Vols. 15/ Crokes Reports 3 Vols. 20/ 1..15..-
Coke upon Littleton 10/ Common place book 5/0..15..-
Attorneys Practice 10/ Ainsworths Dictionary 25/1..15..-
Callico for a Bed Quilt 12/ a Suit of Musquito Curtains 25/ 1..17..-
Office and Duty of Executors 5/ Cosmography 10/0..15..-
Sacred Interpreter /6 Universal Magazine 3 Vols. 10/0..12..6
Webbs Justice 2/6 English Dispensatory 5/0..7..6
Lemerys Chymistry 2/6 Turners Syphilis 1/30..3..9
Dyches Dictionary 7/6 Pembertons Dispensatory 2/60..10..-
History of Physic 5/ Description of Medicines 2/60..7..6
Bladens Cesar 7/6 Geographical Grammer 5/0..12..6
Rownings Natural Philosophy 10/ Antiquities of Rome 5/0..15..-
Spelmans Cyrus 2d Vol: 2/6 Shaws Dispensatory 1/30..3..9
Grammarians Geography and Astronomy0..5..-
Athenian Oracle 2d & 3d Vol: 2/6 Popes Iliad 4 Vol: 15/ 0..17..6
8 Vol: of Shakespear 2/6 Spectator from 2 to 8d 20/1..2..6
Swifts Works 6 Vol: 15/ Dean of Colerain 3 Vol: 12/6 1..7..6
Matho 2/6 Amelia 2 Vols. 5/ Rollins belle Lettres 2d Vol:0..10..-
History of Persia 2/6 Cassandra 3d Vol: 1/30..3..9
New Mans Interpreter 1/3 Sherlock on Divinity 1/30..2..6
Pamelas Poems 1/3 Christian Hero 1/30..2..6
a Parcel of Latin Books 15/ doe Thompson 2 Vol 2/60..17..6
a Parcel of Old Books Magazines &c.0..10..-
10 bushels of Sall 50/ 85 lb Hogs lard £2..13..1 ½5..3..1 ½
3 lb Soap 22/6 2 doz: bottles 8/ 49 lb Tallow £1..10..7 ½ 3..1..1 ½
12 Hoes 25/ 3 Axes 9/ 2 Iron Wedges 5/1..19..-
1 small Canoe 15/ 12 lb feathers 18/1..13..-
a large Copper Kettle £3 a small brass Kettle 2/63..2..6
Moses £75 Daniel £75 Paul £20 Wilson £60230..-..-
Gabriel £40 Charles £60 Harry £40 Dick Brookes £70210..-..-
Sam £55 Bob £35 Daniel £45 Jacob £40175..-..-
Dick £40 Hercules £35 Simon £25 Miles £30130..-..-
Phill £30 Will £20 Mingo £15 Doll £55120..-..-
Alice £65 Abram £15 Hannah £60 Murrear £65205..-..-
Rachel & Child Peg £70 Frank £10 Sarah £585..-..-
Phillis £40 Great Alice £45 Nell £20 Patty £10115..-..-
Argyle £10 Sophana £5 Little Rachel £4055..-..-
2 single blocks and small quantity of Rope0..2..6
a large Gun £5 a small Gun 50/ 1 Do. 20/8..10..-
1 Horse Mans Sword 35/ an Ox Cart and Wheels 45/4..-..-
3 Yoke of Oxen £18 3 Yokes and 3 Chains 16/18..16..-
a Cow and Calf £2..15/ 5 Cows £12..10/15..5..-
2 Yearlings 35/ 3 Yearling Colts £67..15..-
3 Sows and 7 Pigs 30/ 7 Hogs 40/3..10..-
2 Spades 3/ a Mans Saddle and Bridle 15/0..18..-
2 Plows and 1 fluke Hoe 22/6 5 Hoes 18/2..0..6
2 Axes and 1 Grubing Hoe 6/ 2 Iron Wedges 5/0..11..-
Jacob £60 Will £50 Jack £40 Ben £35185..-..-
Frank £45 Kate £30 Hannah £40115..-..-
a Gun, Pouch and Belt 45/ a pair of Pistols 40/4..5..-
An old Cutlass 2/6 6 leather bottom Chairs 60/3..2..6
a large Walnut Table 7/6 a Chest 3/0..10..6
5 Jugs & Water Mug 15/ 2 Stone Pots and some bottles 7/6 1..2..6
3 Pewter Dishes & some Plates 12/6 a Stone Dish & Crockery Ware 7/61..-..-
a Sugar Canister 2/6 a Tea Kettle and 3 brass Candle sticks 10/0..12..6
3 Table Cloths 12/6 1 Bed and Bedstead £55..12..6
1 Bed &c £3 a small Table 5/ a Chest 2/63..7..6
4 bushels Wheat 6/ a Loom &c 30/ 2 Chests 7/62..3..6
2 Cyder Casks 6/ a Meal Sieve and tray 4/ a Copper Kettle 30/ 2..-..-
an Iron Pot and hooks 7/6 a frying Pan and Spit 5/0..12..6
a Bell Metal Skillet 5/ 2 Tubs 3/6 3 Narrow Axes 3/0..11..6
Carpenters tools 2/ 2 Iron Wedges 4/ 4 Hoes and a fluke 7/6 0..13..-
18 Shoats £3 12/ an Ox Cart and Wheels 25/4..17..-
1 Chain Yoke &c 7/6 a Yoke of Oxen £88..7..6
2 Cows and Calves £5 2 Cows £4 4 Yearlings £3..10/12..10..-
Sarah and her Child Jack £70 Sarah or Sall £65135..-..-
1 Yoke of Steers £7 a Silver Watch £512..-..-
6 Knives and forks 7/6 a pair flat Irons 5/0..12..6

Pursuant to an Order of York County Court bearing date the 15th day of April 1776 which is here unto annexed We the Subscribers have appraised in Current Money the Slaves and Personal Estate of Anthony Robinson decd. as above Given under our hands this 26th day of April 1776.

Jno. Robinson
Jno. Chisman
John Kerby
John Sclater

Returned into York County Court the 15th day of December 1777 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl Cur: