Pursuant to an order of York Court bearing date the 19th Sept. 1774 We the Subscribers being appointed to Appraise the Estate of Mary Moreland deced do make the following Return Viz

A Black Walnut Table 54/ a Desk 50/4..15..0
a Couch 25/ a Cupboard, Parcel China & Earthen Ware Glasses &c. 70/4..15..0
a Currying Knife 10/ & a Parcel Carpenters Tools 20/1..10..0
½ dozen Chairs 60/ a Gin 2/6 & 7 old Reaphooks 2/63..5..0
a Box and Corks 15/ a pr. Stilyards 10/1..5..0
a Loom & Gear £1..15..0 & a Walnut Desk 50//4..5..0
a Trunk 6/ and a Cealskin ditto 20/1..6..0
a Bed and furniture £7 a Basket of Trifles 15/7..15..0
a Parcel Pewter Dishes Basons & ½ doz Plates1..10..0
32 Ells Oznabrigs @ 15d2..0..0
7 yds. Cotton @ 20d pr yd 11/8 & 2 Counterpanes 40/2..11..8
26 Bushels Wheat @5/6..10..0
30 lb Wool at 9d pr lb1..2..6
16 lb Myrtle Wax at 9d pr lb..12..0
11½ lb Soap @ 7½d..7..2
6½ lb Cotton @ 1/3..8..1
a Whip saw 30/ a X Cut ditto 10/ & 2 Spinning Wheels 20/3..0..0
7 Flag Chairs 5/ & 2 Grind Stones 3/ a Mortar & Pestle 2/6 & 3 Candlesticks 10/1..0..6
a Parcel Candles..2..1
a Tea Kettle, Coffee Pot Skillet & Trevit1..-..-
a pr Hand Irons & Spit..10..0
2 Kettles a Frying Pan & a Pott4..12..0
a pr Hand Mill Stones1..10..0
2 Pots, 2 Racks & 2 Hooks1..-..-
47 lb Bacon at 6d pr lb1..3..6
a Jar 5/ & Gallons Soap at 1/3 pr Gallon a Stone Pot 5/ a Sett of Wedges 7/6..12..6
a Cart and Wheels £6 & 2 Axes 1/6..1..0
a Horse Colt10..-..-
a Scive 6/ & Parcel Clamp Nails 2/6..8..6
2 Cows and 2 Calves £8 & 3 Heifers at 50/ea.15..10..0
3 Calves at 20/ ea.3..-..-
3 yds. Cotton Tick 4/6 & 1 old Table and 2 Cloths 1/3..5..9
5 Lambs @ 8/ ea.2..-..-
1 Small old Brass Kettle..2..6
a Parcel of thread and Pins2..-..-
7 Knives and Forks..5..-
4 Barrels Corn at 10/pr bb. The Crop of Corn and Fodder as it stands7..13..-
The Crop of Tobacco as it Stands3..10..2
The out Hogs 10/ Pease and Cotton 15/1..5..-

Whitehead Lester
James Davis
Edward Baptist

Returned into York County Court the 16th Day of January 1775 and ordered to be Recorded.
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: