Inventory of the Estate of Christopher Corlew deced

Six Negroes Viz. Tom, Merica, Jack, Dick, Phillis, Sall, Nineteen black Cattle, Two Horses, Twenty two Hoggs, Six Sheep, three Beds Bedsteads and Furniture, five Chests, Two Trunks, three Tables, Ten Chairs, Case and Bottles, six Pewter Dishes, Fourteen ditto Plates, Two Delph Dishes, Nine ditto Plates, three Juggs, two Muggs, Case of Knives and forks, five Butter Pots, one Gun, two Spinning Wheels, three pr. Cards. one Loom Stays & Harness, Cart & Wheels &c, Three Iron Pots, one Kettle, Spit, Frying Pan, Two Axes, five Hoes, one Mans Saddle Womans Ditto, one Skillet, pr. Pott Racks, Parcel Books, Six Casks and Tubbs, Sett of Wedges, one Sifter, Ditto Sirch, two Bowls, Ten Cups, two Tumblers, Box Iron and Heaters, five Pewter Basons, four Earthen Pans, Tea Kettle & Trevit, Cannoe, Cupboard.

Ann Corlew

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of October 1773 and ordered to be Recorded.
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: