An Inventory & appraisement of the Estate of Martin Megary of York County decd.

To 9 Cows & 4 young Stears & 1 bull at £21.-.-
To 3 yearlings & 1 Calf @ 2.6.-
To 1 negroe man named Roger at35.-.-
To 1 Negroe man named Jack at30.-.-
To 1 Negroe woman named Thomasin at 22.10.-
To 1 feather bed & furniture 7.-.-
To 2 Do. @ 8£10/. . . To 5 pewter dishes & 6 plates Do.9.15.-
To 10 old pewter dishes & 1 bason & porringer at1.-.-
To a parcell of old pewter 1 Spice mortar & pestle & 2 old Skillets 1 warming pan & 2 brass Candlesticks & 3 Iron potts & pott hooks.2.6.-
To 2 P of pott Racks & a P old doggs & a P fire doggs a Smoothing Iron & heater £-.15.-
To 2 old Sadles 1 old pewter bason -.6.6
To a parcell of old Tools & a Sett of wedges & a parcell of old Iron 3 old Guns2.10.6
To an old Oval Table & a parcell old Chairs -.10.-
To 1 Cupboard & 3 old Chests & 1 old Trunk & Six Syder Cask 1 beer Do.3.12.-
To an old Table 4 butter potts 3 Sifters & half bushell & an old Churn -.10.-
To 5 old pails & a Small Runlet 8/ & 14 hund. 8d Nails & 900 10d. Do. 1.1.-
To a P money Scales & a P old Do. & a doz. pewter Spoons & look: Glass,-.8.6
To a parcell of earthen Ware & glass Do. 1 hone & 9 yds. Virga: cloth -.16.3
To an old Coate West Coate & breeches & 1 Cane & a Deer Skin 1.10.-
To 2 old mill Sacks & a parcell old Lumber-.7.6
To 1 Old Cart & old harness &12 horses 8.10.-
To 4 Sows & Eleven Shoats 1 pigg 1 Corn hhd 1.14.-

Theodosia Magary (her mark)

In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing date June the 15th 1719 We the Subscribers being first Sworn before Capt. Philip Moody have met at the house of Theodosia Magary Exerx. of the Estate of Martin Megary decd. & have Inventoryed & appraised the Estate of the Sd. Martin Megary as the Sd. Execrx. brought before us.

Richd. Kendall
Robt. Clark
Richard Harrison his mark
Jno. Hubbard

At a Court held for York County July the 20th 1719 This Inventory & appraisement of the Estate of Martin Megary decd. was presented in Court & admitted to Record.
Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.