July the 20th 1719
An Inventory of the Estate of Mrs. Eliza. Goodwyn

To 18 Negroes 62 head of Cattle 46 head of hoggs 20 piggs 159 Sheep 2 horse & 4 mares her wearing apparrell To 6 hhds. of Tobo. Shipt home 8552 lb. of Tobo. To 45 barrls. of Corn 7 beds 7 bolsters 7 blankets To 8 Ruggs 4 bedsteads & Skins 4 Suits of Curtains To 7 pillers & 2 bed aprons old Trussell 3 Tables 10 Chests To 1 Trunk 1 Desk 20 Chairs 8 Iron potts 6 hooks 4 Racks 3 Spitts 2 pr. And Irons 1 driping pan 50 oz. new plate Silver porringer 1 Tumbler To 1 dram Cup 1 money box 1 Spoon 13 pewter dies 27 plates 5 porringers 3 Chamberpotts 2 pewter potts 1 bed pan 1 warming pan 1 frying pan To 1 Sauce pan 2 flesh forks 1 Ladle Skimmer, 1 Slice 2 basons 1 flaging 1 Can 1 hone 1 Spice box 2 looking Glasses 2 P Scales & weights 1 P Stilliards 1 Chafing dish & Grid Iron Lanthorn 2 peper boxes 3 Salt Sellers 1 vinegar Cruit 24 Glass bottles 1 drinking Glass 3 Iron pestles 3 wedges 2 Axes 13 hoes 12 M. Nailes 3 Reap hooks 2 P Tongs & Shovel 1 box Iron frame & heaters 1 Gating Iron 1 box of knifes & forks 1 pocket knife & fork 7 butter potts 2 butter dishes 12 milk pans & Trays a few Scizers 1 P Sheep Shears a parcell of books To 1 Canister 1 Sadle & bridle & Cloth 2 candle boxes 2 Candlesticks 2 Ivory Combs & brushes 2 meal Sifters 3 baggs 3 kettles 20 lb. mirtle wax a parcell of old Chair frames 11 P Sheets 11 pillow Cases 8 Towells 8 Table Cloths 37 Napkins 58 lb. of wool 12 pattie pans 2 baggs 1 handmill Sun dial bell 2 Stone muggs 2 Stone Juggs Seives brass morter & pestle brass pott Lidd 9 Syder hhds. anker 2 Rundletts 7 Tubbs 18 Coat buttons 9½ Ells hold. 3 M. pins 2 yds. mauling 6 ¾ yds. Scots Cloth 24½ Ells Dowlass 28 yds. brown Rowles 11½ yds. plains 1 P Tape 1 P womens hose & Shoes 5 P Irish Stockings 9 hides 6 Skins Cart & harness old Iron parcell of leather 2 Chairs 2 Spining wheels plain Shoes 2 Spicket & fosset brass Cock 3 little baggs 4 Teasters Cloaths Spice, Cash £2.15.-

John Goodwyn
Rachel Wise

At a Court held for York County July the 20th 1719 This Inventory of the Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Goodwyn decd. was presented in Court & admitted to Record.
Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.