An Inventory of the Estate of John Wynne deced

To one Negro Man Peter
To one ditto named Will
To one ditto named Sawney
To one ditto named Willboy
To one ditto named James
To a Boy named Tom Boy
To one Negro Woman named Nan
To one ditto named Grace
To one ditto named Sary
To one ditto named Lucy
52 head of Cattle
26 Head of Hoggs
16 head of Sheep
1 Ox Cart and Wheels two Chains 3 Yokes & Staples 2 Grind Stones 3 Chests 1 Case of Bottles 12 Leather Chairs 5 Rush ditto 3 Tables 1 Copper Kettle 1 Belmetal Skillet 2 Iron Pots 2 Iron pot Racks 1 Frying Pan 10 mo 10d Nails 9 lopping Axes 2 ditto Broad 3 doz broad Hoes 145 yds Irish Linnen 252 Ells of inbrigs 20 yds Fearnough 35 Ells Roles 2 pr. fire Dogs 1 Shovel 1 Trivet 2 Guns 1 Sword a parsel of Carpenters Tools 2 pr Money Scales and weights 1 pr Stilliards 1 looking Glass a Saddle and Bridle a parsel of Books 10 Cyder Casks 1 Curriers Knife 5 Bushels Wheat 10 Sides of Leather 10 Pewter Dishes 32 Pewter Plates 6 Basons 6 Earthen pans 3 Stone Pots 1 Jugg 17 be Tallow 24 lb Sope 2 Iron Spits 2 punch Bowls Pales 28 lb /of Feathers 125 lb Cotton 5 Reaphooks 42 Barrels Corn Tops and Shucks 4700 Bundles of Fodder 2964 lb Tobacco 3 Bushels of Pease 3 Candlesticks 1 Warming Pan 1 Mole trap 1 Plough 2 pr Cards 1 Spinning Wheel 3 Beds and Furniture a Whip Saw and Cross Cut Saw some Shoe makers tools 1 Grubbing Hoe 1 Spade a parsel of old Iron

To Cash521..2..3
To Sundry outstanding debts469..17..0
To Sterling debt132..4..6

York County March the 8th 1774
Thos. Wynne Executor

Returned into York County Court the 21 day of March 1774 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: