An Inventory and A[ppr]aisment of the Estate of Robert Crawley decd Taken the 3d. of January 1760.

10 Sows and 45 Pigs£ 9.12.6
2 Calves 10/ 4 Yearlings 60/3.10.0
7 Steers and 24 Cows @ 35/54.5.0
1 Sorrel Horse 80/. 1 Bay Do. 6[torn] 1 White Do. 80/11.0.0
1 Chair and Harness for one Horse13.0.0
1 Grindstone 2/6 1 Mans Saddle 15/0.17.6
3 Casks & 1 Chest 8/. 1 Wine Pipe 3/0.11.0
1 Handmill 25/. 1 Pr. Old Wheels and a Cart 15/2.0.0
1 Tumbler 2 Ox Chains &c5.0.0
1 Desk 15/. 2 Oval Walnut Tables 55/.3.10.0
2 Square Pine Tables0.12.6
7 Leather Chairs 21/ 6 Rush Bottom Do. 12/1.13.0
1 Looking Glass 30/. 6 Silver [torn] Spoons 30/.3.0.0
a Parcel of China Glass and [Ear]thern Ware1.1.0
a Small Leather Trunk an[d] Cabinet0.5.0
1 Iron Dogg, a Shovel and 2 [Pai]r Tongs0.5.0
a Bed and Furniture3.10.0
a Box 1/6 an old Trun [k 2/6,]0.4.0
a Bed and Furniture3.0.0
a Spinning Wheel and 2 Pr. [torn]0.10.0
3 Beds and Furniture f[or] one5.0.0
3 Candle Sticks 3 Pr. Snuffer [torn] Snuff Dish0.4.0
a Field Bedstead Curtains 2 Beds and Furnitu[re for o]ne8.0.[torn]
a Case and Bottles 10/. 1 Le[ath]er Trunk 10/1.[torn]
5 Sheets 30/. 4 Table Cloths [torn] els 2/2.[torn]
2 Coffee Pots and 1 Tin suga [r . . . ]
2 Pr [ Ir] on Doggs 1 Tea (torn)
[The rest of page 1 is torn.]
a Copper Kettle £ 5 a Beef Rope5.2.6
9 lb. Pick'd Cotton 9/0.9.0
460 Gallons of Cyder @ 3d.5.15.0
a Parcel of Cyder Casks 52/2.12.0
2 pair money Scales and 3 [torn] ggs0.6.0
a Gun 30/. 8 Pewter Dishes 17 Plates &c 50/4.0.0
2 Iron Pots and Hooks a Driping Pan and Spit1.4.0
40 Gallons of Brandy at 3/67.0.0
a Jarr 10/. a Butter Pot 5/0.15.0
a Parcel of Lumber 5/. 4 Bushels of Rye 10/.0.15.0
33 Bushels of Pease @ 2/64.2.6
90 Barrells of Corn @ 9/40.10.0
Mary a Negro Woman50.0.0
Judith and 3 Children Vizt. Lucy and Philiis and Jack100.0.0
Old Mary and 3 Childn. Vizt. [torn]nah Betty and a Young one80.0.0
Sary £15 Betty £10 Nanny n[ot]hing)25.0.0
Darius a Fellow60.0.0
Cedar £30 Cimon £20 Stratfor[d] £1060.0.0
£ 588. 4.6

In obedience to an order [... C]ounty Court dated the 17th day of December 1759. We the Subsc[ribers] being first Sworn have met & Appraised the Estate of Robert Crawley [de]ca Amounting as above to £ 588.4.6 Current money. Januar[y 3]a 1760.

Joseph valentine
John Ferguson
Matthew Moody

Returne[d ... Count]y Court the 18th day of February 1760.
Thos Ever[a]rd Cl. Cur.