In obedience to an order of the Worshipfull Court of York County bearing date the 19th. day of January 1761 Ordereth that we the Subscribers should appraise the Estate of Wm. Harris decd. and we the Subscribers after being Sworn before Mr. David Jameson Gent have appraised the said Estate as was put to our View and this is our return

To 667[?] lb. Pork [@] 2d. pr. lb.£ 5.11.2
To 1 Negro man named Tony50.0.0
To 1 Do. Pompey50.0.0
To [1] Yoke Steers £ 5 to 1 Yoke Do. £5.10 1 Do. £ 515.10.0
To 2 Small Steers1.15.0
To 2 Cows £3 To 3 Heifers £47. 0.0
To 2 Yearlings 15/ To 4 Sows £ 2 To 11 Shoats £ 24.15.0
To 1 Stack of Fodder and Straw1.15.0
To 25 Barrells Corn @ 9/11. 5.0
To 3 Barrells Short Do.0.15.0
To 2 Coats 2 Waistcoats and 1 Hatt4. 0.0
To 2050 Bundles of Fodder @ 20/2. 1.0
To 1 Wigg and Box0.14.0
To 1 Rasor 61 Rotten Corn 1/3 2 old Boxes 4/ l pr. Stilyards 5/0.10.9
To 50 lb. Cotton @ 3 3/4d 1 Rattrap 1/ 1 Old Saddle Tree 4. To [...Cha]mber Pot 1/3 2 Old Casks 2/6 1 Saddle 15/ 1 Gun 15/ 1.13.9
To 1 Sword and Cartoochbox 6/ 4 Axes and 1 Hatchet 12/61. 0.3
To 10 lb. Tallow 6/3 1 Spit 3/ a Parcel of Pewter 11/0.18.6
To 2 tin pans 1 Can and Funnel 4/6 2 Mugs 2/3 3 Earthern Pans 1/60.8.3
To 1 Bowl 2 Strainers 2[torn] old Iron 101 3 Wedges 10/ 0.12.7
To 4 Old Hows 6/ 2[torn] and Tray 3/9 0.14.9
To a parcel of woo[d...parcel] of Books 5/ 1 pr Scales 2/6 0.12.6
To 6 Chairs 9/ To 1 [...kni]ves and forks 2/2.11.0
To 1 Slate 1/ 2 Cyd [er Casks?]0.16.6
To 1 Steer Yoke [...warmin]g pan 2/61. 0.6
To 1 Pot an[d...candl]estick [torn]0. 4.6
To 1 Cart [torn]9.10.0
To 1 do [torn]0.15.6
£ 176.10.6

[The order to record the Harris inventory is torn and illegible.]

[Recorded 16 March 1761]
[Thomas Everar]d Cl. Cur.