[An inventory begins on the mutilated part of page 83. A marginal note, "Baptists Appr," is in a different hand. The index to volumn 21 of the York County Wills & Inventories, apparently in the same hand as the marginal notes, indicates this is an inventory of the estate of John Baptist. An earlier inventory of Baptist's estate begins on page of this transcript The first entries of the inventory are mutilated.]

[torn]£ 145.0.0
5 [torn]11.7.6
2 Barrows 30S. 4 Pigs 10S 4 Shoats 30S 1 Sow 12S6£ 4. 2.6
3 Sows and 20 Pigs 55S 1 Oval Table 35S and a Sqr. Table 5/4.15.0
1 old desk 5/ - 1 old Table and bedstead 2/60. 7.6
1 Pr. dogs 5S a Loom Gear and wheel0.15.0
1 Stone Pot, 1 old Cask fro and harness 5/ 1 bed and Furniture £66. 5.0
16 Barrells Corn at 8S P Barrl. £6.8. a Stack of fodder 13/47. 1.4
a Pot and hook 3/. a rack and pan 5/60. 8.6
a Tub and Pale 3/ a Spining Wheel and Cards 4/0. 7.0
an Ozbgs. Bag 6d. a Teakettle and Trivet 9/60.10.0
an old Skillet 3/ a Tea Chest & 5/0. 8.0
½ Dozen Plates 15S ½ Dozen earthen Plates 3/0.18.0
1 Small Tub 1/ a Candlestick 6d. 1 old Search 6d. Teapot 6d. 0.2.6
7 bushels of wheat 3/ P bushel 21/. a P Tongs 1/81. 2.8
12 Geese 1/3 each 15/ and 2 Turkeys 4/0.19.0
7 Dunghill fowls 2 ducks and funel0. 6.0
2 Slays and harness 10/ and a Small Chair 6d.0.10.6
a Parcel old Pewter 8/ and butter pot 4/60.12.6
41. 8.6
The 4 Negroes145. 0.0
£186. 8.6

Thos. Pescud
James Crandol
William Lee

Retuned [into York Co Ct the 21] day of December 1761 and Ordered to [be recorded.]