An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Mrs. Diana Robinson of York County decd. February 19th 1762

One Bay Horse £20 Five Breeding sows £3.10£ 23.10.0
Ten Shoats £3.10 - Five Piggs 15/4.5.0
Fifty Eight old Sheep and 15 Lambs25.0.0
One Pair Draught Steers and Yokes6.0.0
One Pair of Do. and yokes £7 - a Cart wheels and Chain £ 3 10.0.0
One Pair of Draught oxen £ 7 .10 - 4 large unbroken Steers £1017.10.0
Nine Smaller unbroken Steers £13.10 - 28 Cows and two Calves £4255.10.0
A Bull and two 2 Years old £3.10 - Six Cows £ 7.1011.0.0
Six two years old £6 - nine Yearlings £4.1010.10.0
A Sorrell Mare £10 - a young Bay Mare £515.0.0
A dark bay Mare0.3.0
7769 lbs. at 20S a hundred £77.13.11 - 1 Desk and Book Case £ 683.13.11
A large black Walnut Table £ 2.10 - a large Looking Glass £24.10.0
14 black Walnut Chairs £7.10/ a Small Mahogony Table £1.10 9.0.0
A Pair and Irons and Iron Back 30S - a Corner Cubboard 26/ 2.16.0
8 Chairs with Leather Bottoms £2 - 11 Small Chairs with walnut frames 27/63.7.6
A black Walnut Table 35/ - a small black Walnut Table 21/6 2.16.6
A small round Table black walnut 10S - a black walnut Desk 35/2.5.0
A pair And Irons and Iron Back 35/ - a Parcel of Wheat £
50 ½ Barrels of corn at 8/ - £ 20.4 an old Carriage & Wheels 35/21.19.0
An old Single Chair 30/ - a Bay horse £89.10.0
A Parcel of Lumber 8/6 - 2 Flax Hackles 30S1.18.6
Eleven Skins 16/6 - Four hides at 4/6 - 18/1.14.6
Two Spinning Wheels 11/ - a [par]cel of Broke Flax 50/3.1.0
A Parcel of unbrok [en Flax. . . ]3.0.0
George a Negro [torn] £ 50120.0.0
Lucy a Neg[torn] £4080.0.0
Sam a Neg[torn] £4060.0.0
Sally a [torn]60.0.0
Venus a [torn]70.0.0
One pair Sheets 30S - Two pair of Sheets 50/4. 0.0
Two Diaper Table Cloths 20S - a Danmask Table Cloth 35/2.15.0
Two Coarse Table Cloths and some Linnen 10/ - a Bedstead Hide and Cord 12/1. 2.0
Six Leather Chairs 48/ - four Pieces Ticken for Bolsters and Pillows 12/3. 0.0
A Parcel of China 35/ - 2 Butter Boats and two Butter Plates 10/2. 5.0
Six China Plates and some Cups 20/ - some delph Ware 12/1.12.0
1 dozen Stone Plates and 5 dishes 25/ - 12 earthen Plates 11 knives & 12 forks 35/3.0.0
6 ½ Pound Shoe Thread 16/3 - 4 Glass Salts arid a Stand 15/1.11.3
A Glass Mustard Pot 2/ - 12 new Pewter Plates and two dishes 40/2.2.0
Some old Pewter Dishes and Plates 50/ - Six Case Bottles 6/2.16.0
A parcel of earthen Dishes 15/ - a Skillet Mortar and Pestle 20/1.15.0
A Tea kettle Coffee Pot Shovel and Tongs 20/ A decanter and eight Glasses 15/1.15.0
Two white Stone Muggs and some Stone Cups 6/ - 11 old Reap Hooks 1/30.7.3
Two Flat Irons and a Box Iron 6/. A Sifter and a Box with Soap 10/0.16.0
A large Chest 6/ - A Bell Metall Skillet 30/1.16.0
A Copper Still, Scales, Leather and warming pan £3.7 a bed & Bedstead £69.7.0
A Bed and Bedstead £ 5 - a Bed Bedstead and Curtains £1015.0.0
A Table Looking Glass and Cover Lid 20/ a China Bowl 8/ - A Pair Scales 5/1.13.0
Three Brass Candle Sticks 15/ - Six dozen empty bottles and four Juggs 25/2.0.0
A Jarr 10S - A Parcel empty Casks 16/1.6.0
A Pair Kitchen and Irons 40/ - Two Iron Pots 12/2.12.0
A brass Kettle 40S An Iron Pot [torn] and Spit 14/2.14.0
Four Butter Pots 15/ [torn]1.4.0
one Grindstone 3/ [torn]0.6.0
[The last entries are mutilated.]

In obedience to an order of York County Court bearing date the 15th. day of February 1762 We the Subscribers being first sworn have appraised the Estate of Diana Robinson decd.

Bennett Kerby
Kennet Tompkins
John Shield

Returned into York County Court the 15th. day of March 1762 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.