In compliance with an order of the Worshipful Court of York Bearing date the 15th. of November 1762. We the Subscribers being first Sworn have Apprais'd the Estate of James Moss Decd. (Vizt.)

To 1 Negro man Harry£100.0.0
To 1 Do. Shoemaker Ben100.0.0
To 1 Do. Jack100.0.0
To 1 Do. Ben90.0.0
To 1 boy Sawney90.0.0
To 1 Do. Frank80.0.0
To 1 Do. Phill40.0.0
To 1 Do. America40.0.0
To 1 Do. Jesse35.0.0
To 1 Negro Woman Sarah10.0.0
T[o] 1 Do. Nanny, and Child Jerry70.0.0
To 1 Do. Betty and Child Isaac90.0.0
To 1 Do. Lucy, and Child Lewis80.0.0
To 1 Do. Patt and Child called Hannah90.0.0
To 1 Girl named Sally40.0.0
To 1 Do. Alice35.0.0
To 1 Do. T[torn]25.0.0
To 1 S[torn]10.0.0
To 1 Bl[torn]4.0.0
1 L[torn]12.0.0
2 [torn] 14.0.0
16 [torn]6.0.0
18 [torn][torn].0.0
1 Man's Saddle and Housen 1.5.0
1 Sow and 9 Shotes 4.7.6
To Corn husk Tops Oat Straw &c 3.6.0
6 Silver Spoons5.0.0
1 Dozn. Pewter Plates1.0.0
11 Do.0.12.6
6 Dishes1.5.0
4 Basons and 1 Poringer0.12.6
10 Butter Potts1.5.0
1 Tea Kettle and Trivet0.17.6
1 Case and 3 Bottles0.6.0
1 Firelock and Bullet Moulds2.0.0
1 Chest of Draws5.0.0
1 Desk3.0.0
1 Round Walnut Table1.0.0
4 Leather, and 7 Flagg Chairs 1.6.0
5 Chests, and 2 Pine Tables2.15.0
1 Box Iron, Heaters & a Pr. Flatt Irons0.10.0
1 Pair And Irons0.12.6
To 1 Spice Mortar and Pestle0.5.0
1 Bell Mettle Skillet0.5.0
4 Iron Potts and Hooks0.15.0
1 Iron Mortar and P[estle]0.5.0
2 Pott Racks and [torn]0.12.6
1 Homony P[torn]0.5.0
2 Narrow [torn]0.10.0
3 Harro[torn]0.5.0
1 T[torn]0.3.0
373 Pounds Pork 2.9.1 ½ Large Sow1.0.0
1 Case Knives and Forks0.10.0
2 Hatchets Auger and Gouge 2 fat Potts Tallow &c &c0.18.0
To Table Linnen and Towels1.2.0
4 Beds and furniture &c32.10.0
a Parcel Cotton0.4.0
7 Bushells Pease @ 3/1. 1.0
2½ Bushells Wheat0. 8.9
A Parcel Old Books0.8.0
2 Brass Cocks0.4.0
11 lbs. of Wool Cad 7 ½d.0.6.7 ½
1 Warming Pann0.15.0
1 Sifting Tray and Search0.6.0
2 Cotton Counterpanes2.10.0
1200 Bundles fodder 1.16.0
2 Spinning Wheels0.10.0
A Parcel of Pine Plank and Scantling5. 2.0
1 Flour Tub0. 2.6
1 Cart and Wheels Yoke and Chains2. 5.0
To a Parcel of China and Earthen Ware1. 9.3
2 Razors0. 2.6
1 Bedstead0.5.0
2 Canoes1.15.0
£ 1298.0.9

[The court order to record the inventory (dated February 1763) is illegible.]

Returned [21] February 1763 and [ordered to be recorded]