In obedience to an order of Court bearing date the 21st. day of June 1762. We the Subscribers (being first Sworn) did meet on the, 2d. day of July following and Appraise the Slaves and Personal Estate of Adueston Rogers decd. [torn]

A Negro Boy Sam£75.0.0
A Negro Woman [torn]75.0.0
2 Cows & [torn]4.10.0
2 Sows [torn]1.16.6
[The last entries on page 133 are mutilated.]
1 Small Table 3/ 5 Old Flagg Chairs 5/0.8.0
2 Iron Potts & Hooks 13/ 1 Old Frying Pan 9d.0.13.9
1 Pott Rack 7/6 1 Stone Pott & Jugg 3/60.11.0
1 Tub and 2 Pails 4/6 2 large Tubs 5/ 2 Chests 13/1.2.6
1 Spinning Wheel & Cards 7/6 1 Box Iron & Heaters 7/30.14.9
1 Mans Saddle 21/6 1 Cotton Gin 5/ 1 Stone Mugg 1/31.7.9
1 Pewter Dish 3/ 1 Bason 2/6 1 Stone Chamber Pott 1/30.6.9
1 Shark hook & Chain 2/ 1 Old Fro 1/0.3.0
Half a Canoe in Partnership & 1 Pr. Oyster Tongs0.9.6
1 Pair Money Scales & Weights, and 1 Razor0.3.0
Sundry outstanding Debts13.0.0

Edmund Curtis
John Chisman
Reuben Lilban

Returned into York County County Court the 21st. day of February 1763 and ordered to be recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.