Pursuant to an Order of York Court bearing date the 16th. Day of May 1763, We the Subscribers being first Sworn have met and Appraised the Estate of Hudson Chapman deceased in Current Money as follows, (to wit,)

1 Negro Man Mickael £60 1 Mare £4£64. 0.0
1 Bridle & Saddle 5/ ½ Dozn. Chairs 15/1.0.0
1 Pocket Book and 1 Prayer Book0.3.0
1 Rasor and Hone0.3.0
1 Slate and box 1 lb. of Powder and 4 lb. of Shot0.5.0
1 Pott & Pan 5/3. 1 Pott-Rack 7/6. 1 Ax 4/. 1 Cott 2/619.3.0

Christopher Corlew
Benjamin Moss
John Harvey

Returned into York County Court the 19th. day of September 1763 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.