In Obedience to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County bearing the date the 19th. day of Dec. 1763. We the Subscribers being first Sworn have Appraised the Estate of Richard Hobday deceased as followeth, to wit, —

To 1 Negroe Woman Named Rachel. £50 1 do. Named do.£25£75..0..0
1 Nego. Boy Named Will. £45 1 Neg. Girl Named Jenny £3580..0..0
1 Neg. Boy named Charles. £60 1 Neg. Girl named Lucy £2585..0..0
1 Neg. Boy named Toney. £20 9 Cows @ 45/40..5..0
1 Horse & Saddle. £8 1 do. £5.6 1 Broad Ax 6/13..6..0
1 dozn Plates & 5 Dishes. 25/ A [parcel of old?] Pewter 12/61..17..6
1 Bed & Furniture £5 [torn]23..10..0
2 Pair Iron Doggs 22/6 [torn] Trunks3..3..9
1 Table. 7/6 1 Tea [torn]1..7..6
[The Entries at the bottom of page 175 are mutilated.]
A Parcel of Bottles and other Trifles0..15..0
A Parcel of Earthen & Stone Pots 20/. 3 Iron Pots 25/ 2..5..0
1 Frying Pan and Spit 7/6. 1 Bell Skillet 10/ . 2 Tubs 3/1..0..6
2 Spinning Wheels & 4 pair Cards 17/. 1 Table 5/1..2..0
2 Casks of Cyder £3.1. Chest 10/. 4 Pails 7/6 3 Baskets 1/3 3..18..9
1 Loom & Harness 25/. A Set of Wedges & Trevitt 11/61..16..6
1 Looking Class & Comb and other Trifles 0..7..6
2 Sifters and one Meal Bag 3/9 . Leather 5/. 1 Side Saddle 25/1..13..9
2 Saddle Trees 15/. 1 Cart Saddle, 2 Collars and Traces 20/1..15..0
1 Whipsaw 30/ 1 Lime Sifter & Fluke Hoe 5/1..15..0
40 Foot Plank 3/4, a parcel of lime 2/6 . 1 Hide and 1 Skin 12/60..18..4
7 Bushs. Wheat 4/6-31/6. 1 Chest 5/, a Parcel of Tobo. £56..16..6
1 Pestle & a parcel of old Hoes 15/. 1 Pot Rack 7/6.1..2..6
12 lb. Tallow 6/. 3 Butter Pots 7/6. 1 Flour Tub 2/0..17..6
1 Old Chest 1/ . 2 Cyder Hhds 5/. 7 Pigs 17/61..3..6
1 Pair Small Wheels 20/. 4 Hives Bees 10/1..10..0
40 Barrs. Corn £20. A Parcel of Husks and Tops £424..0..0
A Parcel of Straw 20/. 1 Plow 40/. 1 Riding Chair £2225..0..0
3 Riding Chair Bodies £25. A set of Chairmaker's Tools and Timbers £631..0..0

Lawrence Smith
John Tenham
[Philip] Dedman

Retur[ned into York County Court the] 16th. day of January 1764 [and ordered to be recorded]
[Thos. Evera]rd Cl. Cur.