[An inventory begins on the mutilated part of page 176. A marginal note, "Cooks Appr.," is in a different hand. The index to volume 21 of the York County Wills and Inventories, apparently in the same hand as the marginal notes, indicates this is an inventory of the estate of William Cook. The first entries are mutilated.]

1 Tick and Feathers£1..10..0
1 Gun and Accoutrements1..0..0
1 Saddle and Bridle1..10..0
1 Chest 15/. 4 Pots 5/. 1 Pair Shoes 6/1..6..0
4 lb. Tallow 3/. 15 Pound Old Bacon at 6d.0..10..0
1 Drawing Knife 1/3. 1 Mug & 3 Cups 1/60..2..9
1 Bason, 1 Dish, ½ Dozn. Plates and 10 Spoons0..10..0
1 Trunk, 1 Box 2/. ½ Bushell Wheat 2/ 0..4..0
3 Casks with some Beef in them0..15..0
1 Set Shoemaker's Tools 10/ . Powder and Ball 2/0..12..0
1 Quar. Shoe thread 9d. 1 Bread Basket 9d.0..1..6
1 Sack Bag 2/6. 1 Razor[? 1/]. 3 Chairs 3/90..7..3
1 Tub and 2 small pails 2/6. 1 Spinning Wheel 4/0..6..6
1 Frying Pan and Skillet 4/6. 1 Pot, hooks and Rack 2/0..6..6
2 Sifters 1/6 . 1 Table 2/. A Parcel of old Iron 2/60..6..0
1 Hide 5/. 3 Knives and Forks 2/ 0..7..0
1 Stack Fodder 20/ . a Parcel Blades 20/2..0..0
9 Head Cattle13..0..0
1 Mare6..0..0
13 Hogs3..18..0
3 Sows1..16..0
1 Yoke Oxen7..0..0
1 Grindstone and Cradle0..4..0
18 Hogs at 12/6 each11..5..0
21 Barrels Corn9..9..0

[The order to record the inventory, dated] 16 January 1764, [is mutilated].

[Appraisers torn away]