In Obedience to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County bearing date the 17th December 1764. We the Subscribers being first Sworn have Appraised in Current Money the Slaves and Personal Estate of William Powell Deceased.

1 Negro Man called George £55. 1 Do called Tom £55£110..0..0
1 Negro Woman called Fancy £15. 3 Yoke of Oxen £1429..0..0
8 Cows £12. 3 Steers £5. 4 Yearlings £2.10/19..10..0
16 Sheep £8. 2 Sows £1.10/. 24 Shoats £312..10..0
1 Young Horse £8. 1 Black Mare £8. 1 Do 20/17..0..0
1 Large Looking Glass £3. 1 Buffett £5. 3 Oval Tables £3.5/11..5..0
3 old Tables 22/6. 1 Tea Table £2.5/. 12 flag Chairs 24/. 3 Do 4/64..16..0
1 Dressing Glass 20/. a parcel of Earthen Plates 7/61..7..6
A parcel of Earthen Ware 14/. 3 China Bowls, Cups & Saucers 44/.2..18..0
A parcel Glass 10/. 8 Silver Spoons £3. 4 Tea Do 7/6. 1 Soop Spoon 1/33..18..9
1 Tea Kettle & Trivet 10/. 1 Coffee Pot 3/6. 1 Dozn Knives and Forks 14/1..7..6
2 Brass Candlesticks 5/. ½ Pint Pot 1/6. a parcel Books 20/1..6..6
2 pair Sheep Shears and other Trifles 8/. Saddle Housing 15/1..3..0
1 Bed & Furniture £6. 1 Bedstead 4/. 1 Saddle Cloth 4/6..8..0
A parcel Pewter £3.14/. 1 Desk 12/6 1 Trunk 20/. Sugar Box 3/5..9..6
1 Hand Vice and Cartridge [Box? 1 Spinn]ing Wheel 5/0..15..9
1 Bed and Furniture £7. [torn] Stones £3.10/17. .10..0
2 Iron Pots 20/ [torn]1..12..6
1 Set Iron Wedges [torn]0..19..6
1 Whip Saw [torn]1..13..6
2 Pales [torn]0..10..6
1 Frying Pan [torn]1..18..0
[The last entries on page 223 are mutilated.]
1 pair Iron Dogs 15/. 1 Pr flat Irons 5/. 2 Pr Scales & 1 Chest 10/.£ 1..10..0
1 Rum Case and Chest 20/. 2 Chamber Pots 1/6. a parcel Hhds 30/2..11..6
21 Dozn Bottles £2.12.6. 1 Scrubbing Brush 2/. 7 Stone Pots 12/63..7..0
1 Small Keg 2/6. 1 Brass Cock 2/6. 1 Pr Taryers 2/60..7..6
1 Small Cannoe 25/. ½ large Do £2.10/3..15..0
To Cash £8. Do recd of Philip Dedman £23.13.5 31..13..5

Besides the above there was some Corn and Meat which we thought not more than sufficient to support the Family.

Lawrence Smith
Philip Dedman
John Tenham

Returned into York County Court the 18th. day of February 1765 and Ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.